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if they need to drink only fresh water (don't have the appropriate kidneys yet), they can't travel for long without dying of thirst => I still don't understand. It could further be reasoned out by saying: some dumb ones, who weren't aware of their kidney's efficiencies or weren't aware of the size o...

by divineacclivity

Fri Jun 06, 2014 4:58 am
Forum: Critical Reasoning
Topic: Whales originated in the freshwater lakes
Replies: 13
Views: 10146

Thank you very much. I have a follow-up query on this particular kind of comparison: The comparison of more and greater triggers the following question in my mind: Are the following sentences correct? 1) A pen costs more than a pencil. 2) The cost of a pen is greater than that of a pencil. 3) BirdA ...

by divineacclivity

Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:09 pm
Forum: Sentence Correction
Topic: The Gyrfalcon
Replies: 8
Views: 7753

The passage contends that an INCREASE IN THE MINIMUM WAGE will not drive up inflation because the increase will have a NEGLIGIBLE IMPACT ON WAGES. To weaken the conclusion, the correct answer choice must show that the impact on wages will NOT be negligible or that inflation will be driven up IN ANO...

by divineacclivity

Thu Jun 05, 2014 4:12 am
Forum: Critical Reasoning
Topic: Wage
Replies: 11
Views: 3726

I have a follow-up question on this one. Since option B indicates that the sales tax may bring more revenue, option E also does the same though it doesn't say if that extra amount would cover the gap between the revenue from property and revenue from sales tax. Let me explain how option E does so: E...

by divineacclivity

Thu Jun 05, 2014 3:49 am
Forum: Critical Reasoning
Topic: Anoca County schools
Replies: 9
Views: 3918

Hello Payale, I still have doubts about "... in distinguishing their own species from others" in option D I'll take an example: " ... in distinguishing his own house from that of his friend" or " ... in distinguishing his own house from his friend's" we'd never say &quo...

by divineacclivity

Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:29 am
Forum: Sentence Correction
Topic: distinguish x from y or distinguish between x and y ???
Replies: 25
Views: 10905

Ron, I read the explanations again and again & reached the following conclusion. Please correct me if I'm wrong. What I gather from all of the explanations above, the following ones are correct: I have never seen an aardvark, but last year my father did. --> Helping verb changes tense but this i...

by divineacclivity

Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:40 pm
Forum: Sentence Correction
Topic: Helping verbs in different tenses
Replies: 19
Views: 11199

Komal, If the concentration of histidine declines on maturity, that should mean that the plant starts to die whereas the agrument doesnt say so atall. My logic for picking up option D was: Since histidine makes the metal inert, so, once this particular herb is cultivated in the soil rich in toxic me...

by divineacclivity

Mon Jun 02, 2014 1:36 am
Forum: Critical Reasoning
Topic: cultivated herb
Replies: 28
Views: 18438

Dear Expert, Why is C in correct an option? If physicians are group-practicing, they're each spending lesser time per time a patient but a summed up time a patient spends with physician(s) (time with doc1 + time with doc3 + ...) is more. So, that also resolves the paradox. No? Please tell me why not...

by divineacclivity

Mon Jun 02, 2014 1:14 am
Forum: Critical Reasoning
Topic: Physician
Replies: 10
Views: 8092

Great. thanks. Each species of moth has an optimal body temperature for effective flight, and when air temperatures fall much below that temperature, the moths typically have to remain inactive on vegetation for extended periods, leaving them highly vulnerable to predators. In general, larger moths ...

by divineacclivity

Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:22 pm
Forum: Critical Reasoning
Topic: Species of Moth
Replies: 26
Views: 11580

thank you for your explanation. I have a follow-up question on this one. Could you please tell me why's second not a conclusion (E). I was confused between options A & E. I picked E thinking "Therefore post-tech has decided to ..." looked conclusion like a statement. During the past ye...

by divineacclivity

Sat May 31, 2014 7:27 pm
Forum: Critical Reasoning
Topic: Bold Face CR
Replies: 22
Views: 10704

Why is D wrong? C. its acoustic energy prevented from dissipating by D. its acoustic energy prevented from being dissipated as a result of I chose D over C because I thought in C "dissipating by" - means dissipating "near/from" the boundaries whereas the intended meaning is that ...

by divineacclivity

Sun May 11, 2014 5:00 pm
Forum: Sentence Correction
Topic: Sound can travel through water for enormous distances,
Replies: 51
Views: 34168

Hi Rich, In this sentence, I thought C option - 'would have' - hypothetical worked because he says Hughes would have published hundreds (=> the author is not sure of the exact number of poems etc Hughes had published). e.g. Allen published 5 novels e.g. Allen would have published 5 novels in the pas...

by divineacclivity

Sun Mar 23, 2014 8:01 am
Forum: Sentence Correction
Topic: Huges
Replies: 5
Views: 3709

Ref: *********************** That leaves us with no choice but to use the verb "would" (answers C and E). Grammatically, this is actually a good choice, since the phrase "would publish" is an abbreviated version of "….he would eventually publish…." Answer C uses the...

by divineacclivity

Sun Mar 23, 2014 7:59 am
Forum: Sentence Correction
Topic: Huges
Replies: 5
Views: 3709

How does one approach SD related problems which are presented in the examples below. 1. If the mean of a data set is 75 and the standard deviation is 10, what is the range of scores that fall within one standard deviation of the mean? 2. The mean score of a class on a test was 60 and the standard d...

by divineacclivity

Sun Sep 29, 2013 6:30 pm
Forum: GMAT Math
Topic: Standard Deviation Query
Replies: 5
Views: 7563

Ans can never be E for this question. I agree with Govi abt D, and if not D then should be A, but not E. Even though I don't like the wording of the question, the answer is certainly E no matter how you interpret it. All you learn from the two statements is that the elements of set B are prime. The...

by divineacclivity

Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:15 pm
Forum: Data Sufficiency
Topic: veritas ds 11
Replies: 22
Views: 6115