URGENT! careless mistake made in application :(((((

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It's my first time posting something on beaththegmat, and i didn't know where to direct this question
but the deadline of the b school i'm applying for (ESSEC) is this friday and i sent all the application documents 2 weeks ago.

But today, looking through my documents again on my computer, i realized that my motivation letter had "EDHEC" written in one of the paragraphs, instead of "ESSEC." Oh my gosh, what do i do. I said "ESSEC" the whole time, and just in one paragraph, (due to careless copy and pasting :( ) i referred to the wrong school. But believe it or not, I triple-checked and proofread before sending out the documents!! >=(

I got admitted to EM LYON a few weeks ago, but I declined the offer, because my first choice is ESSEC..

How much of an impact will the mistake have on my whole application? (I know..it would be quite a lot..but still)
My other documents, including the recommendation letters, GMAT, TOEFL, transcripts are all good,
and I even met one of the international recruitment officer with my CV, and was told I would definitely be a good fit for the school..but i made one tiny, but HUGE, careless mistake in my motivation letter......

Please help...what do I do? Does anyone know people who've successfully got into desirable schools despite such careless mistakes???