Stuck at 580/590, exam in 2 wks, how should I proceed?

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Hi All,

I am in desperate need of help. Here is a bit of background...

My first real attempt at the GMAT was on September 3rd when I scored a lousy 550 (Q37,V27). Going in to the exam I knew I wasn't going to get my dream score of 720 but thought it would be a good expereince to get a feel for the real exam. I had hoped to score in the low 600s so 550 was a huge disappoinemnt. But I didn't let that score take away from my desire to score 720. In late September I got my act together and continued studying for the exam. Since then I have done 4 practice exams and have scored the following:

07/27/2013 - 580 (39Q, 31V)
11/09/2013 - 590 (37Q, 34V)
11/18/2013 - 590 (38Q, 34V)

Prior to September 3rd I did 2 other MGMAT CATs on which I scored in the mid 500s.

On 11/18/2013, after scoring just below 600 for the 4th time in a row, I decided to focus on the 5 MGMAT CATs by doing each question multiple times. I tracked my progress and got to 70-100% accuracy in majority of the subject areas. I know that this wasn't the best way to measure progress since I was doing the same questions again and again but still felt that it helped me retain concpets and allowed me to identify weaker areas. Pleased with my progress I took a GMAT Prep exam today and scored a disappointing 580 (Q34,V35). My actual exam is in less than 2 weeks and I'm still scoring below 600. Yes, my life sucks.
A part of me wants to pull my hair out but instead I have turned to you guys to ask for help. I definitely need to change my strategy but don't know what would be most helpful at this time. Getting to 720 from 580 in 2 weeks seems impossible. I have invested so much time and energy into this for the past several months and see it going no where. I've literally been studying non-stop for the past few weeks, 3-4 hours on weeknight, and 6-7 hours (each day) on weekends.

Please give me suggestions on how I should proceed from here. I am considering hiring a tutor...recommendations would be greatly appreciated. I live in the San Francisco/Bay Area.



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by [email protected] » Sat Nov 30, 2013 4:38 pm
Hi naqsa,

If your goal is to score 700+, then you're going to have to replan your entire approach to the process. You're consistently scoring in the high 500s doing things "your way", but you can't expect to make a radical shift in 2 weeks time and suddenly score 700+. While you won't want to hear this, it IS the truth: you need to push back your GMAT, at least a month (but possibly more) and overhaul your study practices, learn some new tactics and practice like crazy.

What materials have you been using to study with?

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by naqsa » Sat Nov 30, 2013 4:55 pm
Hi Rich,
Thanks for your reply.
I took Kaplan's full course a year ago but wasn't able to fully utilize it due to some personal issues. Looking back at it now, I also don;t think it was the best course. Most of what I know now is from practicing the OG, a few MGMAT guides and the MGMAT CATs.
I realize that the chances of getting my dream score on the 12th are slim to none. I can either take the exam on the 12th and expect to re-do it some time later or simply postpone it. I have family coming in from Canada for the Holidays so I know I won't be able to do much between Dec 18th and Jan 7th. I want to apply to UC Berkeley's before round 2 deadline which is Jan 21st but not sure if that's even realistic now.
I definitely need to change my strategy and get some help but don't know how to go about doing that. That's why I am here. As far as working hard goes, I am motivated to continue doing that. I am far too invested in this exam to give up now.


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by [email protected] » Sat Nov 30, 2013 5:30 pm
Hi naqsa,

Based on what you've described, you do have some options:

1) Take the GMAT as planned and (likely) retake if your score doesn't improve enough.
2) Push your GMAT back to the last possible day and spend December and most of January studying. I find it odd that you would lose 3 FULL WEEKS of study time during the holidays. If that truly is the case, then you'll likely have to change your application round.
3) Plan for Round 3 applications and give yourself more time to prep for the GMAT and improve your overall applications.

Taking your goal into account, as well as your holiday plans, I think that the most practical option is the third one. Since I don't know you well enough to tell you what you're truly capable of, you should take a little time and think through the various options. Remember that this whole process is standardized and predictable, so you need to give yourself enough time to succeed. I understand the immediacy of a deadline, but there's no point in rushing through the process if you're going to end up with an average (or below average) application.

If you have any additional questions, then feel free to contact me directly.

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by naqsa » Sun Dec 01, 2013 11:21 am
Thanks Rich. I'll probably still take the exam as planned and do another take before the round 3 deadline. Thanks again for taking the time to respond. Really appreciate it!