Seek Out Positive Stories About the GMAT

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b]Seek Out Positive Stories About the GMAT[/b]

First, sometimes we don’t even realize how negative the people around us are. So, if you’ve been feeling really negative about studying for the GMAT, you may need to take a step back and evaluate whether you’ve been absorbing a lot of demotivating information and feedback from other people.

If you have, then you may need to take a step back from those people — if only temporarily — so that you can keep your head in the game. You can also have honest conversations with people about why the GMAT is so important to you and what you’re trying to achieve, and ask them for your support. The fact is, people engaging in negative talk often don’t realize they’re being so negative. You may be surprised at how receptive people are when you communicate honestly with them about your goals and why those goals matter to you.

Also, if you’re reading tales of GMAT woe online, remember, for every discouraging negative story out there about the GMAT, there is an inspirational positive one. So, see how the other half lives! Reading about how other test-takers have overcome their GMAT struggles and come out on top should really be part of every student’s GMAT preparation self-care.

Warmest regards,

Scott Woodbury-Stewart
Founder & CEO, Target Test Prep