Search found 29 matches

Part-time applicant working solely on own startup. Doable?

Hi Consultants, My targets are Stern Langone and/or Haas Evening & Weekend MBA. How do admissions committees feel about part-time applicants who aren't currently working traditional full-time jobs... but rather, working on an entrepreneurial venture? Do you happen to know of any cases of student...

Hi Tani,

Thanks so much for your input. That all makes sense.

Applying to Stern Langone from California. Doable?

Hi Consultants, I have a couple of questions about part-time MBA programs, and more specifically, NYU Stern's Langone program. 1) I currently work with my family-owned business in California... but I can really work remotely from any location. Would it seem strange for a Californian to apply to a pa...

QUESTION (Stanford): Applying with significant other...

I just noticed that on the Stanford App, there is a box to input the name of your significant other, if you are both applying. However, I'm not sure I want to indicate that. Is there any advantage (or disadvantage) to doing so? Would they be a bit more willing to admit BOTH of us (as opposed to just...

Hi guys, How do you think an adcom would feel about someone who did poorly on a GMAT, then took the GRE (which is supposedly easier)? If you take a GMAT twice, they only consider the higher score. But if you take GMAT once, do poorly (sub 600), then take the GRE and do significantly better... would ...

by bigeater1

Thu Aug 20, 2009 10:11 pm
Forum: Ask an MBA Admissions Consultant
Topic: Harvard to Accept GRE... Others to Follow?
Replies: 5
Views: 2395

Question about GRE vs. GMAT...

Hello, My question is regarding a friend's situation: He took the GMAT, did relatively poorly (550), and had his scores sent to schools. However, he just found out that his top choice school - NYU Stern, now accepts GRE. If he were to take the GRE (which is significantly easier than the GMAT) and do...

by bigeater1

Wed Aug 19, 2009 2:06 pm
Forum: Ask an MBA Admissions Consultant
Topic: Question about GRE vs. GMAT...
Replies: 1
Views: 1481

s a 2.7 GPA an automatic disqualifier for top schools?

hi consultants, quick question: i know that applications are evaluated holistically, which means getting accepted to a school depends on more than just gpa... but i'm wondering... are there any top schools that consider a low gpa (2.7 to be exact) an automatic disqualifier, no matter what the rest o...

good question usero. i have entrepreneurial post-mba goals... and i'm wondering how specific i need to get with them also. of course, i'm assuming that the more details we have, the better. but at this point, i'm hoping a simple concept would suffice

by bigeater1

Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:18 am
Forum: Ask an MBA Admissions Consultant
Topic: Profile Eval: Non-Profit exp, 3.5 gpa, 680 gmat
Replies: 7
Views: 2525

You sound like you have a very interesting background. Even with your below average GMAT score (very good score, but still below the averages of the target schools you listed), I think you sound like a great "fit" for Stanford and Haas. Your extensive, community-oriented background is a gr...

by bigeater1

Thu Jul 09, 2009 12:49 am
Forum: Ask an MBA Admissions Consultant
Topic: Profile Eval: Non-Profit exp, 3.5 gpa, 680 gmat
Replies: 7
Views: 2525

got a 740, but didn't hit the coveted 80/80. thoughts?

hi consultants, i recently got a 740 with 46/46 quant/verbal split. my percentiles were 77q/99v, and 97 overall. i think my scaled scores show that i am equally strong in quant and verbal... but my percentiles are heavily skewed to verbal. is this a huge issue? i know that 80/80 is generally recomme...

ssmiles08, i bought the manhattan gmat series of books off of craigslist. i thoroughly reviewed all of the concepts in each of the verbal categories - reading comp, critical reasoning, sentence correction. i found the explanations of concepts very helpful, but i did not subscribe to their test-takin...

by bigeater1

Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:54 pm
Forum: I just Beat The GMAT!
Topic: 740. 77/99 Q/V split. Thoughts?
Replies: 7
Views: 2140

cramya, thank you for the congrats. and good advice on reposting in the admissions consultants section. i think i will do that. and cata1yst, in my post, i actually mentioned that "I'm satisfied with my score and don't plan to retake" the test. the question i posed was specifically about m...

by bigeater1

Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:58 pm
Forum: I just Beat The GMAT!
Topic: 740. 77/99 Q/V split. Thoughts?
Replies: 7
Views: 2140

740. 77/99 Q/V split. Thoughts?

I'm satisfied with my score and don't plan to retake. However, I didn't quite make the 80/80 Q/V split that admissions people often talk about. Any thoughts? Is the 77 Quant going to be that big of an issue when applying to a top tier like Stanford? I am a bio-science major, and am planning on takin...

by bigeater1

Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:42 pm
Forum: I just Beat The GMAT!
Topic: 740. 77/99 Q/V split. Thoughts?
Replies: 7
Views: 2140

Thanks, skang!

That makes a lot of sense, and was very helpful advice.

by bigeater1

Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:56 pm
Forum: GMAT Strategy
Topic: QUESTIONS about sending score report to schools...
Replies: 2
Views: 1184