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If one coin flip has a 1/2 chance of landing face up, then the probability that two coin flips will both be face up is \(\frac{1}{2}\cdot\frac{1}{2}=\frac{1}{4}\) Thus, for any M coin flips, the probability of all flips landing face up is \(p=\frac{1}{2^M}\) , and for any N coin flips, the probabili...

GMAT verbal can be very difficult if English isn't your native language, so I commend you for putting the work in. The good news is that there are recognizable patterns that the GMAT uses again and again, especially in SC. Here's some advice on how to be more 'mathematical' about verbal: https://www...

This question is testing PARALLELISM and IDIOMS. When Congress reconvenes, some newly elected members from rural states will try and establish tighter restrictions for the amount of grain farmers are to be allowed to grow and to encourage more aggressive sales of United States farm products overseas...

Is \(a > |b|?\) Since this question contains an absolute value, we must be sure to think about NEGATIVE as well as positive possibilities. (1) \(2^{a-b} > 16\) First, get like bases: \(2^{a-b}>2^4\) We can infer: \(a-b>4\) \(a>b+4\) Since a is greater than b+4, it must also be greater than b itself...

by ceilidh.erickson

Sat May 25, 2019 12:05 pm
Forum: Data Sufficiency
Topic: Is \(a > |b|?\)
Replies: 2
Views: 614

If we want to know how many widgets Bob assembles in 4 hours, we need to know his constant RATE of widget assembly. 1) Bob produces 20 widgets in a full workday. We know that a full workday is 8 hours, so this is sufficient to tell us that his rate is 2.5 widgets per hour. Or, you can infer that if ...

Set S consists of five consecutive integers, and set T consists of seven consecutive integers. Is the median of the numbers in set S equal to the median of the numbers in set T? Let's first look at 2 examples of consecutive sets that do have the same median to try to contextualize the question: S =...

For more on estimating to find right answers on weighted average questions, see:

by ceilidh.erickson

Sat May 25, 2019 11:02 am
Forum: Problem Solving
Topic: In Dewey Elementary School, there are two second-grade
Replies: 4
Views: 2207

Alternatively, you could treat this as a WEIGHTED AVERAGE problem. If one class had 40% walk-to-schoolers and the other had 80%, the weighted average of both classes must be between 40 and 80. Eliminate A. If we had an equal number of students in each class, we'd end up exactly halfway between 40 an...

by ceilidh.erickson

Sat May 25, 2019 10:56 am
Forum: Problem Solving
Topic: In Dewey Elementary School, there are two second-grade
Replies: 4
Views: 2207


In Dewey Elementary School, there are two second-grade classes: class A has 35 students and class B has 45 students. If 40% of the students in class A walk to school, and 80% of the students in class B walk to school, what percent of all the students in the second-grade at Dewey Elementary walk to s...

by ceilidh.erickson

Sat May 25, 2019 10:43 am
Forum: Problem Solving
Topic: In Dewey Elementary School, there are two second-grade
Replies: 4
Views: 2207

We're simply looking for the average time per lap (not an average rate or anything more complicated). His lap times in seconds are: 1) x 2) x + 5 3) x - 2 The average of these is: $$\frac{\left(x\right)+\left(x+5\right)+\left(x-2\right)}{3}=\frac{3x+3}{3}=x+1$$ Bear in mind that this is the average ...

There are 3 configurations that would yield a 3-digit integer with 2 of the same digit, one different digit: [ same ][ same ][ different ] [ same ][ different ][ same ] [ different ][ same ][ same ] So, let's calculate the number of combinations for one of these: [ same ][ same ][ different ] There ...

For more on this YES / NO test for EVALUATE questions, see: https://www.beatthegmat.c...

by ceilidh.erickson

Thu May 16, 2019 11:55 am
Forum: Critical Reasoning
Topic: The recording industry is fighting a losing battle: it
Replies: 2
Views: 837

When we're asked to EVALUATE an argument, it's implied that there is currently missing information - UNSTATED ASSUMPTIONS - that would be needed for the argument to logically cohere. Premises: - recording industry does not have the resources to prosecute all of the individuals who illegally download...

by ceilidh.erickson

Thu May 16, 2019 11:53 am
Forum: Critical Reasoning
Topic: The recording industry is fighting a losing battle: it
Replies: 2
Views: 837

There are several logical flaws in this argument: Premises: Trucks with three trailers had less than a third of the accident rate of single- and double-trailer trucks Conclusion: one way for Partoria to reduce highway deaths would be to require shippers to increase their use of triple-trailer trucks...