Request a Profile Evaluation

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Request a Profile Evaluation

by ssm87 » Thu Nov 13, 2014 3:34 am

Thank you for taking a look at this post.

Profile: Indian / Male / 27

GMAT: 750 / Q49 V44 / IR 8 / AWA 5.5
GPA: 3.8 (Placed first in class at graduation)

Undergrad: Production Engineer @ Mumbai University (Not one of the top colleges in India)

Work Ex: 5 years currently.
Working with a large, brand name, century old Indian organisation. My experience is in oil, gas and energy heavy equipment sales, marketing and business development. My entire career has been devoted to growing sales in North and South America, and I have traveled often to the countries in the region for work purposes.


Saved 5.6 Million USD in backcharges after negotiations
Awarded 3 promotions and am the youngest in division's 35+ year history to be promoted to the current level
Collaborated with an MBB team as the client to develop our company's expansion vision. Our recommendations are currently being implemented
Handled the division's largest key account >USD 50 million
Part of the team that executed several strategic tie ups which led to an expansion in our product range.
Handle a team of 2-4 sales engineers

Nothing special to write home about - this worries me.
Member of Student government at undergrad and high school levels.
Minimal volunteer experience (less than 100 hours in the past 5 years)

Short Term Goal:Immediately after my MBA I want to work with a strategy management firm of the stature of MBB, as a member of their energy practice.

Long Term Goal: Establish an energy advisory firm that works with the various state and central governments in India to help achieve the goal of 24x7 electricity in every home.

Target Schools: Kellogg, Sloan, Ross. I have limited time for applications and would appreciate your guidance regarding whether this is the right range of schools or should I reconsider.

Thanks in advance,


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by Eliot » Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:10 pm
Hi ssm87,

Thanks for your post!

There are several strengths in your candidacy, but I also have a few concerns.

First, as an Indian national with a degree from an Indian institution, you come from an oversubscribed pool of applicants. Many of your fellow country men and women with similar academic histories (if not professional experiences) are also targeting top programs, and that makes it even more difficult to truly stand out or differentiate yourself. This would make your GMAT score and GPA even more important factor in your candidacy. A 750 GMAT score will support your competitiveness, as will your solid GPA. The one issue may be that candidates from more prestigious universities will be presenting the same stats.

You are right to be a little concerned with your lack of extracurricular activities, as adcoms like to see well-rounded applicants with diverse interests. Do you have any casual interests that you have not mentioned? Can you take up an activity or two now? In general, you will not want to mention your high school activities, as the adcoms will be looking for your decisions as an adult.

In terms of strengths (in addition to your academics), your international experience should help you stand out. This is something to emphasize in your applications. It's also great that you have a framework for your goals. The continuation in the energy industry will be a nice thread to connect your past to your future. Your management experience should not be overlooked either; proof of your leadership will play a valuable role in your applications.

Given your work experience and academic history, you should be competitive at the three schools you have identified. Given your interest in energy, you may also look into UT Austin McCombs.

When you are ready to begin you applications, feel free to contact us directly:
Eliot Ingram
Clear Admit, LLC
[email protected]
215 568 2590

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