Profile Evaluation

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Profile Evaluation

by MBAJ » Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:48 pm
University of Michigan, 2006
BA in both Spanish and Psychology
3.3 GPA

GMAT Score: 680

Work History
-Worked as a volunteer teacher in Detroit high school for a year. I taught Spanish to freshmen as well as coaching both soccer and track. Although I had different (and more lucrative!) job offers, I decided to volunteer for a year and "give back" to the city of Detroit. The program is very similar to Teach for America, though it is run through Detroit. (1 year exeperience)

-After fulfilling my one year committment, I moved to Washington DC and worked for Marriott for 6 months. Left Marriott in search of a smaller business where I would have more responsibility. (6 months experience)

-Helped open a restaurant and became an integral part of the team. Restaurant will clear $5MM this year which is almost unheard of in this market. During the two years with the restaurant, I have received progressively more responsibility. Currently responsible for product ordering and inventory while achieving profit goals. Most recently I was asked to open the second restaurant for this group. (2 years experience)

Letters of Rec
Letters will be excellent. They will come from both the president of the school I taught at and from the owner of the restaurant.

-Active member of an alumni network group which combines organized sports and volunteer-work (I'm an integral member of both the athletics and pro-bono work)

-Designed a program at the restaurant which offers ESL classes to Spanish-speaking employees

-Catholic parishoner at local church

Why an MBA?

While working for the restaurant company, I developed a deep interest in operations (thus my handling of product ordering and inventory). In an effort to combine operations with my first love (sports), I've set my sights on a career as an operations manager with Nike. I have the drive, passion and soft-skills necessary to succeed, but lack the hard, finance-driven background necessary for a career in operations.

I am planning on applying to UVA, UNC, USC-Marshall, Michigan, Texas and Duke.

I realize my work experience is not typical; though I will have 4 years experience by matriculation. Do you think that will hinder my admission to these schools?

Are those schools reasonable? Thank you very much

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by Stacey Oyler » Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:48 pm
Hi MBAJ and thanks for your post. Please see my comments below.

University of Michigan, 2006
BA in both Spanish and Psychology
3.3 GPA

GMAT Score: 680

Academically you are close to the average GPA scale with the average at most of the programs you've listed being around 3.4. However, your GMAT score is a bit low. Is it your quant or your verbal score that is bringing your overall score down. In general bschools are more concerned around the quantitative score given the heavy quant curriculum many schools have especially in the first year or term of their program. Is this the first time you've taken the exam? Would you consider taking it again. On average the schools on your list have GMAT scores averaging around 700+.

Work History
-Worked as a volunteer teacher in Detroit high school for a year. I taught Spanish to freshmen as well as coaching both soccer and track. Although I had different (and more lucrative!) job offers, I decided to volunteer for a year and "give back" to the city of Detroit. The program is very similar to Teach for America, though it is run through Detroit. (1 year exeperience)

-After fulfilling my one year committment, I moved to Washington DC and worked for Marriott for 6 months. Left Marriott in search of a smaller business where I would have more responsibility. (6 months experience)

-Helped open a restaurant and became an integral part of the team. Restaurant will clear $5MM this year which is almost unheard of in this market. During the two years with the restaurant, I have received progressively more responsibility. Currently responsible for product ordering and inventory while achieving profit goals. Most recently I was asked to open the second restaurant for this group. (2 years experience)

Your work experience is certainly diverse and unique. As such, this could help you stand out in the applicant pool, but you also want to be clear in your explanations of why you chose to leave/join each organization. Because each job has been so different from the last you don't want the adcom to think you are "lost" or are a "job hopper."

Letters of Rec
Letters will be excellent. They will come from both the president of the school I taught at and from the owner of the restaurant.

-Active member of an alumni network group which combines organized sports and volunteer-work (I'm an integral member of both the athletics and pro-bono work)

-Designed a program at the restaurant which offers ESL classes to Spanish-speaking employees

-Catholic parishoner at local church

It's nice that you are involved in several different extracurricular activities. Do you have any leadership opportunities in your role in your alumni network? It would be great to use one as an example for an essay topic. You may also wish to write an essay highlighting the ESL program you started. These two activities/interests offer potential for you to distinguish yourself in the applicant pool.

Why an MBA?

While working for the restaurant company, I developed a deep interest in operations (thus my handling of product ordering and inventory). In an effort to combine operations with my first love (sports), I've set my sights on a career as an operations manager with Nike. I have the drive, passion and soft-skills necessary to succeed, but lack the hard, finance-driven background necessary for a career in operations.

I am planning on applying to UVA, UNC, USC-Marshall, Michigan, Texas and Duke.

Overall, you've compiled a solid list of schools which will certainly help you achieve your goals. I strongly encourage you to consider retaking the GMAT. A score of 700+ will certainly help your application. I also encourage you to try to visit each of these schools and do your research as to not only what they have to offer you, but also what you can do to add to their unique communities.

Please feel free to send your resume to [email protected] for a free detailed assessment of your profile.


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by MBAJ » Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:04 am

Thanks for your prompt reply! The 680 was my first attempt at the GMAT. My splits were Q43/V40. I realize that my quant may be a little on the low side and I will be retaking the exam in late November. Assuming I do not improve my GMAT score, do you think I should still continue with the application process?

I am visiting each school on my list (although I may not make it to Austin due to work obligations) and have delved into each program so as to tailor my essays to each school's strengths.

Unfortunately, I do not have any true leadership position within the alumni network, though I am a captain of the flag football team associated with the group. Should I mention this?

Being an alum of the University of Michigan, I would be delighted to return to Ross for my MBA. Does being an alum help or hurt me? The school is literally in my parent's backyard and I've been there to visit 5 times this year. In what ways can I craft my application to be more appealing to the adcoms at Ross (aside from highlighting specifics about their program)? Thanks so much Stacey!

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by Stacey Oyler » Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:11 pm

Thanks for the additional information.

Thanks for your prompt reply! The 680 was my first attempt at the GMAT. My splits were Q43/V40. I realize that my quant may be a little on the low side and I will be retaking the exam in late November. Assuming I do not improve my GMAT score, do you think I should still continue with the application process?

I'm glad you are planning to retake the exam. Be sure to diversify your study methods whether you are doing self study, working with a tutor, or working with a professional prep company, I find it's best to diversify your study materials. Let's hope you improve your score. If however you are unable to do so, I don't think it should keep you from applying. You may wish to enroll in some quantitative courses to demonstrate your quant abilities and also send a message to the adcom that you are serious about attending bschool and taking preparatory work to help lay the foundation for success.

I am visiting each school on my list (although I may not make it to Austin due to work obligations) and have delved into each program so as to tailor my essays to each school's strengths.

Fantastic! This is absolutely the right approach.

Unfortunately, I do not have any true leadership position within the alumni network, though I am a captain of the flag football team associated with the group. Should I mention this?

Probably not worth mentioning. It can certainly be noted in your data forms, but I don't think it's significant enough to stand alone. Keep brainstorming to see if you can find examples outside of work to use in your essays.

Being an alum of the University of Michigan, I would be delighted to return to Ross for my MBA. Does being an alum help or hurt me? The school is literally in my parent's backyard and I've been there to visit 5 times this year. In what ways can I craft my application to be more appealing to the adcoms at Ross (aside from highlighting specifics about their program)?

Being an alum of Ross certainly will help. It lends credibility to your knowledge of the program as well as your fit with the community. In terms crafting your application to be more appealing, doing your research is really all you can do. The adcom will know your intentions are sincere given your history with the school.

Best of luck retaking the GMAT!


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