Please Evaluate

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Please Evaluate

by tryinghard » Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:59 am

Can you please evaluate my profile.

B.Com (H) India (3 Years)- 63%
Chartered Accountant - India
GMAT - 670

Work Exp

Financial and Performance Management Consultant. Its between IT and Management Consulting
Exp - Over 8 years

I have worked with some really big clients. My current client is AIG.

I also had my own consulting/outsourcing company based in India. I started it and then handed it over to my father for daily operations, but I was the main contact, more like a CEO. I had a client in the UK and can get a very good recommendation from her. The company closed due to the financial meltdown.

I am currently employed with a 100% subsidiary of NEC. I have a 6 figure salary(not sure if this helps). Awarded employee of the year in 2009.

I am targeting INSEAD, LBS and Richard IVEY. I cannot apply in a US school due to some visa issues.

Any help will be much appreciated.



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by Monica Okrah » Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:38 pm
Thanks for your question.

Your GMAT and grades are not very strong which will put you at a disadvantage when compared to your peers. Also, you didn't mention any extra-curricular activities. If you are not very involved, then there will just be less to show in your application. It sounds like you have both international and entrepreneurial experience which can be a positive. But I would suggest that you work on improving your GMAT score in order to be competitive at your target schools.

Best of luck with the application process!
Monica Okrah, Senior Consultant
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