Please Evaluate my profile for realistic school fit

Launched January 9, 2010
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Joined: Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:52 pm
I am 27 years old
Nationality: Lebanese/Mexican/American
Traveled to 20 countries,
-was in a research initiative in Vietnam for 2 weeks this summer (Economics/Politics/Social Studies)
Grew up in Lebanon, survived warzone areas twice (96,2006 wars)

Undergraduate GPA :3.12 small school, worked throughout my UG and Graduate degrees
Masters degree in Economics 3.3
Current Extracurricular class @NYU in global affairs : 4 classes A- GPA
Recommendations: Managing principal & SVP of PEG I work at, both Wharton MBA alums
GMAT: 680

1.5 yr in PE as financial analyst"Kuwait & Detroit"
8 months in financial reporting @ Fidelity Investment "NYC"
10 months: current internship at a search fund ( Private Equity): Associate/VP duties: lasting 10 months"NYC"
After internship I Have a 2 semester offer to teach as a visiting scholar in Lebanon : Corp finance & Macroeconomics starting November 2013-May 2013

Volunteering ( Boy scount for 7 years)
Led a fundraiser as a UG
Was a monitor at a leading UN conference this spring, did volunteer work post Sandy
Held 2 student club leadership positions

Currently captain of Amateur Soccer team

I speak English/Arabic, will be learning Mandarin in 2014 ... ( I want to work in East Asia post MBA)

I know I want to transition into consulting, my current boss is the managing principal and was a former Mckinsey executive and will mention my strengths for a transition in the recommendation letter

I have a very clear view of my short & long term goals.

My target schools: Wharton-Dartmouth-Stern-yale-Georgetown-Vanderbilt-Simon-BU/BC (US)
INSEAD Singapore - HKUST - HKU - CUHK (Asia)

MBA Admissions Consultant
Posts: 25
Joined: Thu Mar 14, 2013 5:23 pm
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by CourtneyJane@VeritasPrep » Sat Jul 13, 2013 8:25 am
You are a solid fit for your target schools. My only real concern in reading your profile is your Work Experience, as it seems to show you jumping around from place to place, so a logical explanation for this is necessary. I am also confused as to why you are doing an internship now at age 27 when not in school? However, I do think the teaching opportunity in Lebanon would be a really great added element to your application.

You are a diverse candidate that offers the classroom a unique perspective on many levels. You also seem to be well-rounded given your volunteering/extracurricular. Translating all of this that differentiates you into the application/interview/recommendations will be the critical next step in this process and you should be prepared to put countless hours into this step.

Best of luck-
Courtney Jane
Veritas Prep