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If a mechanical aerator is installed in a fish pool, the water in the pool can be properly aerated. So, since John’s fish pool does not have a mechanical aerator, it must be that his pool is not properly aerated. Without properly aerated water, fish cannot thrive. Therefore, any fish in John’s fish pool will not thrive.

Which one of the following arguments contains an error of reasoning that is also contained in the argument above?

(A) If alum is added to pickle brine, brine can replace the water in the pickles. Therefore, since Paula does not add alum to her pickle brine, the water in the pickles cannot be replaced by brine. Unless their water is replaced with brine, pickles will not stay crisp. Thus, Paula’s pickles will not stay crisp.
(B) If pectin is added to jam, the jam will gel. Without a setting agent such as pectin, jam will not gel. So in order to make his jam gel, Harry should add a setting agent such as pectin to the jam.
(C) If stored potatoes are not exposed to ethylene, the potatoes will not sprout. Beets do not release ethylene. Therefore, if Sara stores her potatoes together with beets, the potatoes will not sprout.
(D) If a carrot patch is covered with mulch in the fall, the carrots can be left in the ground until spring. Without a mulch cover, carrots stored in the ground can suffer frost damage. Thus, since Kevin covers his carrot patch with mulch in the fall, the carrots can safely be left in the ground.
(E) If tomatoes are not stored in a dark place, their seeds sometimes sprout. Sprouted seeds can make tomatoes inedible. Therefore, since Maria does not store her tomatoes in a dark place, some of Maria’s tomatoes could be inedible.

Answer: Option A

During 1991 the number of people in the town of Bayburg who received municipal food assistance doubled, even though the number of people in Bayburg whose incomes were low enough to qualify for such assistance remained unchanged.

Which one of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the apparent discrepancy in the information above?

(A) In 1990 the Bayburg Town Council debated whether or not to alter the eligibility requirements for the food assistance program but ultimately decided not to change them.
(B) In 1990 the Bayburg social service department estimated the number of people in Bayburg who might be eligible for the food assistance program and then informed the Bayburg Town Council of the total amount of assistance likely to be needed.
(C) During 1991 many residents of a nearby city lost their jobs and moved to Bayburg in search of work.
(D) During 1991 the number of applicants for food assistance in Bayburg who were rejected on the basis that their incomes were above the maximum allowable limit was approximately the same as it had been in 1990.
(E) During 1991 Bayburg’s program of rent assistance for low-income tenants advertised widely and then informed all applicants about other assistance programs for which they would be qualified.

Answer: Option E
According to me the answer should be Option C. Please advice.

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by anksgupta » Thu May 07, 2009 11:11 am
Loosing a job doesn't implies that 1 is automatically eligible for food assistance. Atleast we cannot safely assume this.

It may be a case that a person though eligible for theis kind of assisstance, is not aware of this facility, so as E implies, advertising about this may be a plausible reason as to why consumption has increased.

so IMO E is the correct ans.

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by nicolette » Sun May 15, 2016 1:53 pm
I believe the correct answer should be E