Need help with choosing recommenders after startup xperience

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Hi everyone,

Most schools require recommendations from two people who are/have been your seniors. I can't decide who should me my second recommender and here is why.

I worked as a journalist in a newspaper for two years, followed by six years in a successful media startup in a seniormost position (reporting directly to Founder/CEO), also as a journalist. Profile includes TEDx Talks, advisory positions in various industry panels, leadership experience, etc.

So for the last six years, I have had only one senior - my CEO. Being a journalist, I do not have any "clients". The only other boss I have had was six years ago in my newspaper job, but that was really long ago.

Who should I choose as my 2nd recommender for schools such as MIT Sloan, which discourage recommendations from those other than seniors? Does the boss from the job six years ago count?