Got KO'd by GMAT - 670 My experience

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Got KO'd by GMAT - 670 My experience

by GoBlue » Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:10 am
So... ended up scoring 670 (48Q 34V ).. Was really hoping 700+.

My story:
I am in my mid 30's. Started pursuit of GMAT back in 2009. Studied for a couple months and then focused on career and kinda gave up. Picked it up back again in 2010. Then, change of job, extensive travel, lots of side business, again gave up on GMAT. This time, I picked it back up sometime in October. I have a very demanding job so maybe got an hour or two at the most on any given day.

GMAT Prep Books n Stuff
I realized early on that there are way too many options for GMAT. MGMAT's, Knewton and Veritas are pretty much all Gold Standard. However, for me MasterGMAT was the best option. The big advantage of using MasterGMAT was that it was 100 % online and was wicked enough to keep you from moving forward unless you are very clear with the concept. I had tried MasterGMAT back in 2009, but the new version kicks ass. Whenever I got 10 mins in between meetings or half hour here and there or sometimes during lunch I used to log in and continue with MasterGMAT. I really liked the Quant and part of verbal. Their tests were also good, however, just like any other prep company, they do seem to focus a bit on the material that they cover in their course. I barely finished the OG once but exhausted all the GMATPrep tests. I took around 8 - 10 CAT Tests. My test scores :

MasterGMAT ( 670 - 710 ) - They usually give a 20 point range.
Manhattan GMAT ( 660 - 720 )
Kaplan CAT 730
GMATPrep 1 690
GMATPrep 2 720 ( with AWA )
GMATPrep 1R 710 ( with AWA )
GMATPrep 2R 50Q and 39V ( Took sections individually since I was too busy )


I showed up early in the morning at the test center. But there was some confusion I wasn't allowed to take the test. I was asked to reschedule. However, the lady at the center was kind enough to offer me a slot later that day. This was very stressful since I was exhausted by then. Then started working with my development team again since they had some issues and we had a deliverable for the next day. Yes, if you can,take some time off, I did not even take a day off. Got back to the test center later and started AWA. The time during AWA starts flying pretty fast. So start typing after a couple mins. Did alright ( I think ) in both the essays.

Took a break. I was hoping to get a new scratch pad at the end of AWA, but the proctor refused to do so and said that I would have to finish this one before she gave me a new one. Anyways, started Quant. Ques 1 was so so so simple. Ques 2 was pretty good too. But then I saw some sequence / series questions and work rate questions that I found difficult. DS was tough. Tons of InEqualities. Geometry was so simple. It was unlike what I had see in some of the tougher CATs. However, I soon realized that I wasn't doing too well ( yes, you shouldn't judge your performance by the questions ). I did not get a SINGLE Perm Comb question. I do remember struggling for time. I probably guessed 4 questions. The questions were simple and straight IF you knew how to answer them or the method otherwise its better to move on. And then it was over.
Took a gulp of Redbull and was ready for Verbal. Couple easy SC's, followed by super easy CR followed by amazingly tough 1 really really long single paragraphed RC. The topic was so complex, I know I didn't do well there. Following by Bold Faced CR and then a couple of assumption's and inferences. SC's were alright, and the RC's that followed were pretty good too. I thought I was doing well, finished with 30 secs to spare. And then... BOOM......670.

I am not too disappointed in myself but I know I could have done better. I am planning to apply to Part Time MBA programs ( Ross / Tepper ) and am not too sure if I should retake the test. I have decent acads, practically no extra curriculum's, but a solid Work Exp and am co-founder of a startup.
I will be totally occupied till March and if I decide to retake the test, it will have to be after that. In the meantime I will start essays and other aspects of the apps.

What did I learn from this ?

ANYONE who takes the test is BRAVE. Its 4 hours of absolute misery. Its much easier to test at home than at testing center with 15 other people in the room. Time management is of absolute essence. Some people have a knack standardized tests whereas some really smart people end up scoring less, but you 700+ scorers out there, I have a new found respect for you guys.

Logging off for now, but I have a feeling that I will be BACK. Better prepared,more relaxed.

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by thunderdan » Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:42 pm
One quick comment: If I were you and if I am a good morning person, I would re-schedule to a different date(to make sure I take it at my optimal time)

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by jnorton1547 » Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:07 am
Sorry for any errors; im writing this from my phone but ur situation is too close to mine for me to resist responding..Like you, i have had a demanding workload with my career for the last four years and like you, i had difficulty in sitting down for an extended period of time to focus entirely on the test. I also scored exactly what you scored!. A perspective that helped me determine whether to retake: what do you really need/want an mba for? It sounds like you have some exciting things going so scrolling down to the real reason you want an mba should either provide sufficient motivation to jump back on the horse (which might not even be necessary if ross and tepper are targets; your background sounds like it might make up for not having a700+) or to ditch the idea altogether. If your doing something you enjoy and you consciously place the demands of it above your desired amount of time to study for the gmat, answer might be staring you in the face. After all is said and done, a 670 is still in the 80's percentile-wise.if the mba is something you definitely want and need, rhwn ill say that.i think a mistake in most people's reasoning is to assume admissions councils wont identify with the challenges a co-founder would have in "adequately" preparing for the gmat, plus maintaining responsibilites in full-time position. I think a little too much emphasis gets placed on gmat bc the forums are littered with those beefing up apps for harvard, mit, etc..point is 670 with your background and the limited time and focus you were able to devote to prep is impressive..i feel that way about mine and i havent even started a business...dont let the word "congrats" evade you

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by GoBlue » Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:57 am
Thank you so much jnorton. I feel so much better after reading your post. I very much appreciate what you wrote. I agree very much with what you said and I really doubt I will be going for round 2.
But for all you guys out there with FT job and tons of responsibilities, try your best, have faith in your score and move forward with your apps. Lets hope, our work experience and what we do between 9 - 5 makes a much bigger impact than our gmat score does.

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by thunderdan » Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:36 am
If you are at 670 & with scope for improvement in verbal I will definitely retake it. Mere increase in verbal from 34 to 39 will push you over the target of 700. I made less than anticipated on quant(45) but my verbal(39) helped me get into 690.

BTW I had partied the weekend before for a monday morning test; could not prepare more than 2 hours a day for a month before the test(due to surgery related to Chrons); performing at a manager level for a 12 person consulting gig with a fortune 500 client; I feel patting my shoulder after all this for a 690 score. So chin up guys.

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by thunderdan » Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:37 am
If you are at 670 & with scope for improvement in verbal I will definitely retake it. Mere increase in verbal from 34 to 39 will push you over the target of 700. I made less than anticipated on quant(45) but my verbal(39) helped me get into 690.

BTW I had partied the weekend before for a monday morning test; could not prepare more than 2 hours a day for a month before the test(due to surgery related to Chrons); performing at a manager level for a 12 person consulting gig with a fortune 500 client; I feel patting my shoulder after all this for a 690 score. So chin up guys.

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by thunderdan » Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:49 am
If you are at 670 & with scope for improvement in verbal I will definitely retake it. Mere increase in verbal from 34 to 39 will push you over the target of 700. I made less than anticipated on quant(45) but my verbal(39) helped me get into 690.

BTW I had partied the weekend before for a monday morning test; could not prepare more than 2 hours a day for a month before the test(due to surgery related to Chrons); performing at a manager level for a 12 person consulting gig with a fortune 500 client; I feel patting my shoulder after all this for a 690 score. So chin up guys.