GMAT prep vs. real GMAT

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GMAT prep vs. real GMAT

by gt7er » Sat Feb 16, 2008 4:49 pm
i just took the first GMAT prep today and it felt hard. the SC I thought was that how the real GMAT is? is the GMAT prep similar to the real GMAT?

for those of you who have taken it can you share your experience? some of CR questions were tricky, the RC passages were hard to read but the questions weren't too hard, and it's hard to get those SC questions right.

way too many questions in the OG guides are too pretty much done with all the OG questions..from here on out, what should i practice?

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by smar83 » Sat Feb 16, 2008 5:20 pm

I have not taken the real GMAT yet, but all of them say that GMAT prep questions are similar to the actual GMAT.

If you need some tough verbal questions, The verbal part on Kaplan CAT is Brutal. From what I have heard, MGMAT Verbal is pretty much on the same level as that of the GMAT.

Hope that Helps.

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by tfa2mba » Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:40 pm

I agree with you that the SC part is ridiculous! I bought the manhattan guide to SC and it actually helped. Even after reading the entire book though, i still found it hard to recognize the rules and apply them effectively. It was brutal....

If you buy the SC book you also get 6 FREE practice test from MGMAT...

I thought that these tests were the best, and I really appreciated the in-depth answers, and analysis they give you on your weak and strong areas....

Also, these questions seemed to be the most accurate to the real gmat (besides the official questions) although the reading comp articles were less dense.

hope that helps!