GMAT for Top Twenty Business Schools - Making the Cut?

Launched April 26, 2006
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GMAT Score:710
Hi Stacy,

I saw your replies to earlier posts and they seem to be a lot wise!

I gave my GMAT yesterday, scored 710 (Q 50, V 36).

My undergrad GPA = 7.96/10 ( = approx 3.2/4 on direct conversion, though -2/2 rule yields approx 3/4), from BITS, Pilani, India

Work Ex - 2 years in research (will be 3 years when i join next year (2013) in biz school)


- Engineer at Corporate Research & Development for an Indian Public Sector (Navaratna Company) BHEL
- Played a key role in development of patent-pending technology in controls of Hydro-Power Plant.
- its an integral part of INR 200 Cr Project - Business Impact for the Company
- Research Area - Sustainable Energy

My Social Impact Footprint:

- Worked with Visually Challenged for last 6 years (since College)
- Developed two patent pending technologies (low cost, suitable for developing countries) which help blind students to learn from tactile maps and diagrams
- Founded a Non-Profit, A R I S E , in 2010, (we develop, promote and deploy technologies for the challenged) (A Public charitable Trust, recognized under Indian law - handled the legal paperwork myself along with my friends' Chartered Accountant)
- Managing 25+ volunteers from India and abroad, through online medium
- A R I S E is granted under Google Grants for Non-profits & Registered with UN Online Volunteering Service
- Impacted 200+ visually challenged students, empowering them in their self-learning process, without sighted assistance
- Serving on the Board of Managing Trustees, handling the Operations at A R I S E since 2010.

Extracurricular & Achievements (Business / Management Related)

- Head (Coordinator) of Poetry Club at my college
- Head (Coordinator)of the IET BITS, Pilani Chapter
- 2008, Top 36 teams in the world for Fortune Sponsored Rice University Business Plan competition, Texas, USA
- 2009, Asia-Pacific Finalists for GSVC at ISB, Hyderabad, India
- 2011, Certificate Course (Online), Sustainable Energy Conversion & storage from SCPD, Stanford University
- 2011 - 2012 - Paper on Payback Analyses for Various Green Tech for India at Sufficiency Conference, Bangkok
- 2012 - StartingBloc Fellow

Aims in Life and Why MBA

- to startup a tech based social enterprise, which impacts communities globally
- MBA will help me to understand the for-profit models ( I already have experience in non-profit management)

Considering that the average GMAT Score at Top business schools figure in 720s, and my score is 710, and my GPA is in the range of 2.99- 3.2 (depending on formulae), I am in dilemma whether to take GMAT again. My expectations from this GMAT test were in the range of 720-740 (that were the consistent scores I got in various mock GMATs..).

If I take GMAT the second time, in September, 2012, my GMAT is likely to be max. around 740 or so. My target schools are MIT, Wharton & Yale. (MIT - technology management & analytics, Wharton - Finance & innovation, Yale - social entrepreneurship).

Considering these schools, should I write the GMAT again, or will the adcom at these schools find my GMAT score of 710 appropriate (neutral contributor!) and focus more on my work-ex & achievements (that I should focus on my applcn essay)?

Kindly advise.

