GGU Master of Accountancy vs UC Berkeley extension

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Hi everyone!

I'm thinking about starting a MSA at Golden Gate in San Francisco. My accounting backround is limited and I have been a logistics Specialist for 3 years. I recently got 550 for my GMAT. At the moment, I can't decided between a post-grad. undergrade certificate at UC Berkeley v. a MSA at Golden Gate. They both cover pretty much the same courses and prepare for the CPA. Neither requires GMAT. But the program at Golden Gate ends up with a master's degree (v. just a certificate) and they also have companies recruiting on campus. The UC Berkeley program is through their extension arm and does not offer recruiting. I heard that one has a much better chance of getting a job with the top 4/6 companies if he/she has a masters in accounting. On the other hand, the UC Berkeley extension program is cheaper and it may have a better name recognition. Should I be suspicious of a master's program that doesn't require a GMAT, even if they have the same accrediation?

Is anyone familiar with either of these programs? Any ideas which alternative provides a better start for a career in accounting?

The fact that UC Berkeley Extension woudln't offer campus recruiting of any kind worries me. I think it could be a huge handicap come recruitment time.

It boils down to this for me:

-GGU's high cost
-GGU has little to no name recognition nationally


-UC Berkeley Extension's lack of campus recruitment
-Employers are aware that "UC Berkeley extension" isn't the same as "UC Berkeley"

Just a side note, would anybody recommend taking Master of Taxation at GGU to fulfill and prepare for the CPA exam? Apparently Master of Taxation is very good!

Your responses and suggestions are much appreciated
