Compiling a list of schools near mountains...

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Compiling a list of schools near mountains...

by utdrub » Sun Aug 22, 2010 6:33 am
I've posted on another forum and feel this might be a better place even though I've had some great responses. I have a desire to live in the mountains somewhere, and plan on applying to MBA programs to test the waters for 2 years and either move back to Dallas or stay where I go to school. I'd like to be within 2 hours of resorts which somewhat limits me to California, Colorado, Utah, Washington, and a few other states in the northwest.

Brief Profile: 3.7 Total undergrad (3.6 at UT-Austin, 3.9 at junior college)
Assistant GM at a golf course for 2 years (50 employees, 2 million rev)
High school math teacher for last 2 years
I also have an interesting upbringing (dad left in hs, we paid bills, mom died at 18, first family member to go to college)

This is the list I have so far...but I understand it depends on the gmat

For Fall 2011
University of Washington (This will be my top dog I think depending on the gmat)
Utah (I'm really loving this campus from what I've seen)
CU Boulder
TCU (Just to have one close to home)
BYU (have been advised to consider visiting first..)
Minnesota (I'd rather be I don't know about this one)

Others I've been told but are "unranked" or was advised not to shoot for, but will still send as safety schools

Univeristy of Denver - Daniels
Boise St.
Univeristy of BC

Are there any glaring schools that I'm missing here or personal experience with these in my list. Someone has told me a 600 will probably get me in to my target schools or most, but if I could get over a 700, I could probably get $ towards these middle tier schools. I've taken just the math portion to see where I stand and had a Q46 on the first shot. I've got 2 months until I take the GMAT and have been a good tester so I'm thinking a 600+ would be a low guess.

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by slynch » Tue Aug 24, 2010 3:15 am
Darden at the University of Virginia is in the mountains and has an absolutely beautiful campus. Granted, the mountains of Virginia are of no match to Colorado, Utah, etc., especially when it comes to skiing. UVA is next to a small resort called Wintergreen, but for someone who is used to skiing in the West, you'll probably find it disappointing. There is a fairly nice resort called Snowshoe in West Virginia but it's about 3.5 hrs away. That place is pretty solid and probably the best ski resort in the mid-Atlantic region.