Accepted into HKU MBA on the London Business School track

Congrats! Tell us how you did it
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I just received my letter of offer for the University of Hong Kong MBA program with the London Business School track. I'm absolutely over the moon about this - it will be an incredible experience.

I fit the demographic of people who weren't absolutely serious about their careers in their teens/early twentys and have an average GPA to show for it. I think for people thinking about applying to top 30 MBA programs who are in their mid-twenties and don't have much to show, you can overcome an average GPA through your extra curriculars. There were two main things I did to boost my chances - I became president of my local young professionals network, and I began public speaking at different events around my country. Both of those elements were looked upon favourably by the admissions team. It took three years to build up a strong history but I enjoyed every minute of it.

I scored a 640 with my first GMAT and a 620 the second time. HKU's average GMAT is 660, but like a friend of mine said, 50% of students who apply will be below the average so don't count yourself out!

The other point is, keep persevering! Sometimes it feels like fighting an uphill battle but if you keep focused you'll get there eventually.

Best of luck with everyones applications!

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by aj_mathew2001 » Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:36 pm
Hi jauntybush,

Congratulation !!!

Can you please give us a detailed description of you profile. Also, do let us know about your interview experience.

Your valuable information may help us in accessing our chances also will help us in preparing better..

Thanks in advance..

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by jauntybush » Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:13 pm
Hi AJ,

thanks for the questions. My profile is below, but first I thought I'd share my interview experience with you.

I was interviewed by Mr. Sachin Tipnis and Mr. Tom Ng from the HKU MBA program. They were both excellent interviewers and I felt we had an engaging conversation the entire time (upgrading the interview from q&a to true conversation is something I look for as a sign of interview success. This is critical because the interviewers are not just interested in your intelligence, achievements or ability to sell yourself, but they're also interested who you are as a person. Progressing the interview to a conversational level allows them to see what you will be like in class, in the hallways and in social situations). The interview asked straight forward questions - like what is my background, why an MBA, why HKU, and why I chose LSB over CBS.

Work ex: 10 years of work experience in government IT - 5 years management, currently project manager.
Age: 31 (at time of application)
Leadership/Self-starter: Founder of a charity which runs TEDx conferences, and a small business for my public speaking, which I do Australia-wide outside of work.
Extra ciriculars: Former president of the state Young Professionals Network and committee member on various volunteer organisations.
GMAT: 640
GPA: extremely average undergrad ~4/7, strong post-grad 6.75/7
Ed: BIT, Graduate Certificate in Public Sector Management
Other: I enjoy running marathons - there's not many of us who *enjoy* it