750+ scorers: Retaking the GMAT?

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750+ scorers: Retaking the GMAT?

by beny » Sun Sep 02, 2007 11:08 am
If you have a 750, 760, or 770 on the GMAT, would you retake it knowing that you can score a 780, 790, or 800?

I've already personally decided what I am going to do, but I am curious to hear what other people think.

I am going to retake it because I didn't actually prepare for it the first time around (took one diagnostic, scored high, took a practice test, scored high, and took the actual test a week later). My actual GMAT score was lower than my practice CAT by 20 points. I feel that I can achieve a 780+ score if I put in two weeks of intensive prep before the test. My quant score dragged me down (89th %) even though math is historically my stronger subject. Because I put so little into the test when I first took it, I feel that there is still significant room for improvement.

I am in a similar situation to this user (although I didn't take MGMAT or any other type of prep course):


I know most people would say "There is no need to retake it; you already have a high score." Unfortunately, I don't think these people can relate to my/our situation. These people are happy with their high scores because the scores are what they expected, or higher.

From reading the linked post and from personal experience, I think it is disappointing for a high scorer to score below his capability.

To sum it up, let me reiterate the question:

If you have a 750, 760, or 770 on the GMAT, would you retake it knowing that you can score a 780, 790, or 800?

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by beny » Sun Sep 02, 2007 11:22 am
To answer Neo's question (from when I first misposted this thread in the improper section):

When I first took the test, I told myself that if I get a 750 or lower, I would retake the test. If I get a 760, I would grugingly accept the score. If I get a 770+, I would be happy. Unfortunately, I just hit the border, so I've been self-debating on whether to accept the score. I went into the test with the mentality that it would be an "official practice exam" where it didn't matter how I scored, because I would likely retake the test no matter what.

I've decided to retake the test in January because I would be on winter break, and, yes, I would have oodles of time and nothing else to do during this 1-month period, (well, I will be visiting Taiwan, but I'm sure I will have lots of free time during this visit). Also, I don't feel as if I need to invest too much time in the prep. Two weeks of intensive prep at 3-4 hours per day would probably suffice.

I feel that a 780 would allow for higher scholarship chances at non-H/S schools. I plan on applying to Tuck, and I feel that a 780 might get me a bit more money than a 760 would. Also, I hope that an exceptionally high GMAT score could counter the exceeding GPA requirment needed for college senior applicants (my 3.7, although not crippling, is short of the 3.9 typical of college senior applicants).

Because I will not be applying to school until next year, I have lots of time on my hands.

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by aim-wsc » Sun Sep 02, 2007 1:54 pm
Since we already have replied (/started replying) to your original thread, please continue there.

We'll take care of moving it :) You dont have to double post.

Also, if possible, paste both of these your posts on that thread, so that we'll delete this duplicate one.

One suggestion: Being a thread-starter, You can add a poll there ;)

I have lot to say there, I'm with you.
Just do some pasting first 8) .

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by aim-wsc » Sun Sep 02, 2007 7:44 pm
I remember a month ago you claimed you scored 780 in REAL test.
I ALONG WITH OTHER MEMBERS on this forum relied on that info.

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by jayhawk2001 » Mon Sep 03, 2007 9:18 am
Here's my 2c on this.

For purposes of an MBA, a 750+ score is more than sufficient. Getting
a 800 is not going to guarantee your admission. I have colleagues
in my company who got dinged at Stanford and Harvard with an 800
score. If you can demonstrate that you have good Q, A and V skills,
you can scratch out this one from your "weak section".

Another thing I would look at is the range of scores for the middle 80%
of the accepted candidates in a school. If you are in the upper half
of that range, I'd say work on some of the other aspects of your app -
like leadership, community work, XCs etc.

While I agree that it is disappointing to score below one's capability,
you also have to look at it from the Adcom's perspective. As
an example, if you score say 760 and decide to re-take the GMAT,
it might reflect poorly on your judgment to spend time beefing
up something that is already "good" when there are other aspects
of the application that clearly remain "weak".

IMHO, there's no black-and-white answer to this as it depends
largely on the overall application package.


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by beatthegmat » Mon Sep 03, 2007 9:59 am
Hi beny:

Just to chime in myself--keep in mind that AdComs are aware of a 30 point variance when it comes to the GMAT. Thus, let's say you scored a 750 one day--on another day, the AdComs could realistically believe that you could have scored as low as 720 or as high as 780 on another day.

Thus, if you did have a 750 and wanted to retake to get a 780 I would say that it wouldn't be the best use of your time. Studying for the test is perceived to take a lot of time, and you're better off using that time to build up your candidacy--since you're in college, maybe you could use this time volunteer or work on an entrepreneurial project?

Good luck!
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by Stele » Mon Sep 03, 2007 11:56 am
You should keep on retaking it until you get a 900. Don't let anything stand in your way.

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by kevincanspain » Mon Sep 03, 2007 12:36 pm
The previous message is mine
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