140 point jump!

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140 point jump!

by taryn123 » Sun Aug 23, 2009 5:37 pm
I took the GMAT yesterday for the third and LAST time. I was really happy that I got a 630. I won't go into too much detail but here is an overview of my scores and what I learned by doing everything wrong.
Test 1:
Q25 V33 Total 490 AWA 5.5
Test 2:
Q32 V33 Total 540 AWA 5
Test 3:
Q36 V40 Total 630 AWA 6?? (hopefully)

A few things I learned:
1. The math bible by GMAT hacks is AMAZING
2. Manhattan SC equally amazing
3. Consume the same amount of caffeine the day of the test as you are used to. I was soo jittery the first time I couldn't remember my multiplication tables.
4. DO save the OG for the last preparation
5. Do every OG question and review all the ones you got wrong. I am sooo stubborn I read this all over the site and still didn't want to go back through all those questions since I wrote all over the book. I did this right before the 3rd test and think it made all the difference.

If nothing else I hope this provides some hope to people like me who feel they suck at standardized tests. You can improve your score!! Feel free to contact me. Also, lemme know if you know of any grad schools where this score would be competitive.

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by gmat_pallavi » Sun Aug 23, 2009 11:00 pm
Congratulations for your success in GMAT.
I apprteciate your determination and persistence.

I have taken GMAT once and had got a score of 510 with a 5.5 in AWA.I am preparing for it all over again.
I don't have a strong hold in Quants.
I would really appreciate if you could give me some advice on how to prepare.

Pallavi Mittra

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by ogbeni » Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:29 pm
Congratulations on the improvement. Good luck with your B-School applications!

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by taryn123 » Tue Aug 25, 2009 1:31 pm
hey Pallavi,
I would say if you are having trouble with the fundamentals (remembering exponent rules, geometry rules etc) first do a refresher in those. I think the Kaplan workbook is pretty good for the basics, I had just taken precalc, so it was repeat for me.
My problem was that I would look at the problems and not know how to approach them, ie whether to set up simultaneous equations, a table etc. With this the GMAT Hacks Math Bible was awesome. To me, the explanations were much better then other resources. I went through the entire thing and put every problem I got wrong down on a flashcard. I wouldn't suggest going through the whole book though unless you have a lot of time. I would instead suggest going through the chapters that you need to improve. The GMATclub recently posted a diagnostic test that might help you identify these areas.
Most importantly, and what I found most helpful was going through every problem in the OG. All the ones I got wrong I circled and went back to the week before the test. I did not make a error log or anything like that because I am not as organized as some of the other people. I did not time myself either. Timing was a HUGE problem to me, my last attempt was the only time I finished the quant section. I feel timing will just come though the more comfortable you get with the OG questions. I would usually just make sure I did the entire page in about 1/2 and hour, so 2 minutes per question.

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GMAT Score:560

by cane99 » Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:00 pm
Congrats on your improvement! I hope to be following in your footsteps real soon.

460 to 560 (as of today) and hopefully in another 6-8 weeks and I can boost my score over the 600 mark!

Anyway, congrats again and good luck with your b-school apps!
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again..."

...and in my case, again and again.

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by gmat_pallavi » Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:48 am
Dear Taryn,
Thank you so much for your valuable advice.
I face the same problem in Math as you did.I can understand the concepts but when faced with questions I go blank.

I haven't heard of the Math hack bible you mentioned,shall try finding out about it.

Some tutors say that I should go back to the Math books followed in schools and brush up my skills. But since concepts are not a problem and the pattern of problems followed by GMAT is a lot, if not entirely different from that followed by school books, I am doubtful whether I would benefit much from this.
What do you think about it?
Pallavi Mittra

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by ogbeni » Fri Aug 28, 2009 10:46 am

How many times have you taken the GMAT Prep tests? If the answer is just 2 times (once for the first and once for the second), then you need to make sure you keep retaking them (the software throws new questions to you, with some repeats nonetheless).

Since concepts are are not a problem, then it seems you may have the 'deer in the headlights' syndrome when you encounter challenging questions under time constraints. The only way to surmount this obstacle is to PRACTICE. Don't worry about the score, your focus should be on
1. Identifying the problem type
2. Reaching into your storehouese of knowledge
3. Attacking and solving the problems.

Start slow and then build up your speed and stamina. Results won't be instantaneous but overtime you will improve your score

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by Dinaesh kumar » Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:50 am
Hey taryn...
Congrats man...
I am faced with the same situation...as much as u taryn and pallavi... And pallavi for your information i also got 5.5 on the essay part.
Got my second attempt on sept 5th.
i am a little low on the english part..
Not yet taken gmat prep..Since it has not got any explanations.
I am going on with kaplan and 800score tests...
i am fairing around 550 - 620...
When i am consistently clearing 600's i am thnking of giving gmatprep..(since i will be able to find my faults better compared to now)
Hoping to clear 600....
Taryn and pallavi, your advices needed the most....
Please do help....

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Last moment tips

by gmat_pallavi » Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:13 am
Dear Dinaesh,

Well your GMAT test date is just round the corner.
All the very best. Well the GMAT Prep tests are real helpful and as far as I remember it has good explanations too.

Good luck!!
Pallavi Mittra

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by gmat_pallavi » Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:16 am
Dear Ogbeni,
Thank you so much for your advice.
Guess it will work out.

Pallavi Mittra

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by dr_gmat » Sun Aug 30, 2009 2:09 pm
congrats on your score jump...keep up the good work.

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by taryn123 » Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:23 pm
sorry it took awhile, i just got back to school.
Pallavi: Have you done all the OG questions? I found that the first time I did them I got a lot wrong. But the key is to practice practice practice. You will probably get frustrated at first but then in a little you won't even realize that you are slowly beginning to understand the questions. Also, everyone says practice under timed conditions. I think however that you should stop worrying about the time for a little. Go back and fix that later when you know how to approach everything. It sounds like you have the rules down, now you just need to master the GMAT question phrasing..soo annoying I know. It isn't really about amount of questions, but whether you are understanding how to do the ones you got wrong.

Dinaesh Kumar: I am not sure why you can't see the explanations to the GMAT questions, that is wierd because I had the explanations using the GMAT software. maybe look on the forum to see if anyone had similar problems. With the test 5 days away you could take a practice test on the gmat prep software. Most people won't recommend one so close to the test but I found it to be a confidence booster. I'm not sure exactly where you are though. It might be better to just go back and review all the problems you got wrong, review from your mistakes and make sure the solutions are fresh in your mind. hope that's a little helpful! and good luck to both of you!

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by taryn123 » Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:30 pm
pallavi..sorry I forgot to address the other question you asked. your tutors might know your weaknesses better than i do. personally, I would say if you are having a problem beginning the problems you need to do problems made by the gmat. You need to be familiar with the types of questions they have. You need to know the easiest quickest approach, the way your old math book may explain it may not be the "quick" approach the gmat allots time for.

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by gmat_pallavi » Wed Sep 02, 2009 6:32 am
Dear Taryn,

THANKS a real lot foryour feedback.
Discussions in this forum is actually helping me.Its now, I feel. that I am getting the right advice.

Thanks a ton. :D

Pallavi Mittra