Focus on One Step at a Time

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Focus on One Step at a Time

by Scott@TargetTestPrep » Mon Jan 22, 2024 4:01 am

Focus on One Step at a Time

The best way to cope with feeling overwhelmed about your GMAT Focus studies is to make your tasks smaller! Learning everything you need to know to score high on the GMAT is a big project that may span months. But what about learning a single concept? How about one strategy for one question type? Not such big projects, right?

The truth is, one of the most effective study habits out there when it comes to the GMAT Focus is learning one topic at a time, starting with the most basic topics and working your way up to the more advanced ones. Luckily, this also happens to be one of the most motivational study techniques. Why? Because it allows you to accomplish something in a short span of time, consistently. Thus, you make meaningful gains in your GMAT knowledge and skill essentially every time you study.

When you take GMAT Focus prep one step at a time, you’re always moving forward, which does wonders for your level of optimism about the exam.

Warmest regards,

Scott Woodbury-Stewart
Founder & CEO, Target Test Prep