770 with 3 months of TTP prep

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770 with 3 months of TTP prep

by zozo » Sun Sep 24, 2023 2:53 am
I began studying for the GMAT in May and took the exam exactly 3 months later, scoring a 770 with a Q49 and V47. I’ll be sharing a short debrief about my journey below – hope this helps anyone that’s beginning or is in the midst of their GMAT prep!

When I took my first mock exam in May, I used the free practice exam on GMAT Official and scored a 600. My score was very unbalanced: a V38 placed me in the 84th percentile, while my Q35 left me in the 20th percentile. A key reason that I scored so poorly in the Quant section was that I left 6 questions blank (TTP later drilled into my brain a tip critical to GMAT success: never leave a question blank). So, I learned two things early on in my GMAT journey: (1) that it was not only your knowledge, but also your ability to effectively manage time and be strategic while going through the exam that would guarantee success, and (2) time-management was a struggle for me.

I had a long way to go from my 600 to my target score of 730, and from my Q35 to.. well, something a lot more acceptable. I ended up choosing TTP because of its exceptional reviews and also because it seemed like a relatively affordable option compared to some of the other courses out there. I figured I had nothing to lose by trying their $1 trial for a week (which I honestly recommend you do because really what have you got to lose?).

Now, to dive into my prep. Here are some of the key factors that I think contributed to my success:
- Materials: I primarily used TTP for my preparation, supplementing it only with the GMAT Official Practice exams and a little bit of additional online practice.
- Thoroughness: here’s where TTP perfectly complemented my approach to studying. Given the time constraints on the GMAT, I knew I had to understand every concept inside-out in order to be able to quickly and effectively get through the exam. TTP walks you through the most basic concepts – from adding fractions to subject-verb agreement. Initially, these were exactly the things I was messing up in Quant when I was rushed (your typical ‘silly mistakes’) and was looking past in Verbal because I didn’t expect something so basic to be the reason a choice was incorrect on the GMAT. By going through these topics, I was able to reduce those silly, stupid errors and strengthen my understanding of basic concepts so I could build on them. The great thing about this feature of TTP is that you can skip whatever ‘basic’ lessons you feel are a waste of time for you, but you have the option to dive into them if you’d like. This is especially helpful for areas where you may have a weakness, whether that’s geometry, algebra, or participial phrases. Personally, I went through every single lesson and did every single practice question in TTP. I think it was this practice and thoroughness that really allowed me to succeed.
- Answer explanations: TTP has written or video explanations for each of the thousands of questions in the course. I reviewed these even for questions I got correct. I think this was particularly important for the SC section because the video explanations walk you through every single choice and the flaws in the incorrect choices. I also took the course’s advice and took my time going through the SC questions. Instead of a 2-minute timer, I would take as long as I needed to thoroughly analyze each answer choice, and would write down why each was incorrect (if they had multiple issues, I’d write them all down). Of course, toward the end of my prep, I enforced time limits for myself, but I only did this once I really understood the concepts and knew how to identify trap choices.
- Official Practice Exams: While I most certainly recommend TTP and have it to thank for my score, I don’t think there’s any alternative for the official practice exams. No matter what course you do, I think these are a great resource and a worthwhile investment. My approach was to do these once a week for the 5 weeks leading up to my GMAT (I had already used the first one for my diagnostic). As I did these, my target score began to slowly increase as I was mostly scoring 740-760 (with one 730) on the exams and realized that, with the prep I had done through TTP, I was able to achieve a better score than I had anticipated. If you do choose to take the practice exams, I recommend you review them thoroughly to really utilize your investment. This is where I went online to the forums.

Finally, I took the GMAT and got a 720 (Q49, V40) on my first try. Since this was just shy of my target score, and I had scored better than 720 on each of my practice exams, I decided to give it one more shot. I leveraged TTP’s ‘custom test’ feature to create tests for topics I found challenging and spent a week only doing practice questions and briefly reviewing my notes. While I was mainly trying to get a better Verbal score, I made sure to do a good amount of Quant prep during this week as well. A week later, I got my 770 with a 99th percentile in Verbal.

PS I’m not affiliated with TTP in any way. I’m just a lil obsessed with the course and want to recommend it to people out there because I genuinely think it can get anyone to a 700+ no matter your background. Feel free to DM me if you have any q's about the course, and good luck :)


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Hi zozo,

Congrats on an awesome GMAT score! Good luck with things moving forward.

Scott Woodbury-Stewart
Founder and CEO
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Re: 770 with 3 months of TTP prep

by Shelve » Tue Feb 13, 2024 1:27 pm
Hi, it's a great score. You did a great job, getting such results after 3 months of preps take a lot of effort I think) I feel so inspired when I see people achieving the results they want) Back in school, I wasn't a fan of studying. But when my parents nudged me towards it, I got hooked and found myself diving deeper. Made me think maybe I need to rethink my life goals and where I'm headed... I'm getting a little off topic))

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Re: 770 with 3 months of TTP prep

by ChristophUrst » Sat Feb 17, 2024 1:44 pm
Hi, excellent results, at the moment I'm on my way to a high score too) Most likely, I will have to sit on the preparation for a long time as I am not at all friends with some subjects like math(algebra in particular), but lately I have been trying to figure it out on my own and if I fail, I look for help, this guys https://ca.edubirdie.com/algebra-help always help me with this (I also have a few friends who understand, but now I don't want to distract anyone). I can't say that I don't like studying, for me studying is not about knowledge or aptitude for a subject, but rather about perseverance and self-organization