TTP Pro Tip: Mindful Yoga Exercises for Exam Stress

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Mindful Yoga Exercises for Exam Stress

Yoga prompts us to pay attention to our bodies and our breathing. So, given our discussion so far, it’s no surprise that yoga promotes mindfulness. Additionally, numerous studies suggest that yoga helps promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve mood. According to a 2020 meta-analysis in Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, yoga may even help with attention and executive function.

If you’re looking to relieve GMAT stress, it’s probably best to try poses that aren’t overly strenuous or difficult — particularly if you’re a beginner. Search “yoga for stress relief,” “gentle yoga,” or “restorative yoga” on YouTube and you’ll find plenty of free videos you can follow at home. These videos generally range from 10 to 40 minutes, so you can easily incorporate them into your day.

For example, say you’ve been at your desk studying for the GMAT for a couple of hours during a long, weekend study session. Fifteen minutes of yoga is a great way to take a break and get some blood flowing to your brain, so you can put in more study time feeling calm and re-energized.

Additionally, if GMAT stress has been keeping you up at night, incorporating yoga into your nighttime “wind down” routine could help you fall asleep more easily and get more restful sleep. Check out these 7 poses that Harvard Medical School recommends.

You can also take a yoga class at your local gym or yoga studio. Yoga classes can be a great way to blow off steam and have some fun. Plus, they can make the GMAT prep process feel less isolating. And since they meet at set times, they can help you establish a routine that includes dedicated mindfulness time.

Reach out to me with any questions.

Warmest regards,
