Can I Use Standard GMAT Prep Materials for GMAT Focus Edition?

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Can I Use Standard GMAT Prep Materials for GMAT Focus Edition?

:wave: Hello, my friends at Beat The Club!

If you already purchased standard GMAT prep materials but decided to switch to the Focus Edition, I have great news. You can very easily use your current GMAT prep materials to study for the GMAT Focus. Simply skip over any lessons or practice questions in Sentence Correction, Geometry, and AWA. If you’re a TTP course user, doing so will be very easy for you, since GMAT topics are separated by chapter. So, you can simply skip over the chapters that don’t pertain to GMAT Focus.

There is, however, one big caveat to using standard GMAT prep materials for Focus Edition prep. Your current materials must include Integrated Reasoning prep. If you don’t engage in dedicated learning and practice for IR, you won’t be prepared for the Data Insights section.

Of course, TTP course users don’t have to worry about missing out on DI prep if they’re using our standard GMAT study plan. That course of study includes thorough preparation for every GMAT question type, including the IR types that appear in Data Insights.

And if you’re a TTP user, I have even better news for you. A TTP course specifically for the Focus Edition, including expanded Data Insights material, is launching very soon. What’s more, when you’re logged into your TTP course, you’ll be able to easily toggle between the standard GMAT course and the GMAT Focus course for free.

So, if you’ve already signed up for TTP, you don’t have to pay for a new subscription to switch to the Focus Edition course. And if you sign up for our Focus course but it turns out you need to take the GMAT before Focus test dates are available, you don’t have to purchase another subscription to switch to our standard GMAT course.

Reach out to me with any questions.

Warmest regards,
