Profile Eval Request

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Profile Eval Request

by anup.shesh » Sat May 26, 2012 8:21 am

I would be glad to receive my profile evaluation. I am putting forward my brief resume here, which shall help to get brief picture of my profile.

Thank You.

- Working with NMDC Ltd (Navratna PSU) as Assistant Manager (Mining Engineer) - since Aug'09 (3 years)
- Voluntary involvement (but very little) with an NGO (The Kishkinda Trust) to help it start 'Rural Tourism' operations - since Feb'12

- Participated in an annual train journey 'Jagriti Yatra' which intends to awaken social entrepreneurship spirit in minds of Indian youth ( ) - Dec'11
- Completed PG Diploma in Sustainable Rural Development from National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad - May'10 to April'11 (1 year)
- Executive Development Program and Management Development Program at Administrative Staff College of India - as part of training in NMDC Ltd. - Jan'10 and May'10
- B-Tech in Mining Engineering from IIT-BHU, Varanasi (GPA 7.5/10 or 2.5/4)- July'05 to May'09

Leadership Experience:
- Camp Leader for Sar Pass (Kullu Dist.) National Himalayan Trekking Expedition conducted by Youth Hostels Association of India - May'09-June'09
- General Secretary for Cultural Wing in IIT-BHU, Varanasi
- Jt. Secretary for Fine-Arts club in IIT-BHU, Varanasi
- Voluntary involvement in various IIT-BHU activities

Extra-curricular Activities:
- Voluntary involvement in Rural Tourism activities of an NGO called The Kishkinda Trust
- Trekking/ Travelling
- Photography

Future Plans (Post MBA):
- To use 'Rural Tourism' as a means to rural development in India (primarily) and other developing countries


My SWOT Analysis:

* Strengths:
- Good exposure to rural challenges and ongoing projects in India through PG Diploma in Sustainable Rural Development and Jagriti Yatra
- Good Leadership experience in IIT-BHU, both - as a team member and team leader
- Mining Engineering Profession - because it is rare
- On personal side - I can assure strong urge to use 'Rural Tourism' as means of Rural Development, and I follow never-say-die attitude for whatever responsibilities I undertake.

* Weaknesses:
- Though having exposure to rural challenges and academic qualification, have not created any impact so far
- Bad GPA of 7.5/10 or 2.5/4
- GMAT score - 680 (planing to take another attempt to get 750)
- No out-of-routine achievements in profession
- No strong exposure or qualification in 'Rural Tourism'

* Opportunities:
- International Business Network of US B-schools' Alumni
- International Exposure
- Developing Social Entrepreneurship Skills

* Threats:
- Financing US MBA might be difficult



1. What are the best B-schools for developing Social Entrepreneurship skills?

2. How do you take my undergrad GPA of 7.5/10 (2.5/4) as?

3. I cannot conceal my weaknesses. What possibly can I do to improve my strengths to make these weakness negligible? (I do have a strong urge to develop rural India through Rural Tourism)

4. What can possibly make an application a success in Stanford/Wharton/Harvard? (Stanford has always been my dream school as is for all other MBA aspirants)
Anup Sheshadri

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by mbaMissionBrianE » Sun Jun 03, 2012 5:21 am
Hello anup.shesh, thanks for your question.

I think your SWOT analysis is pretty accurate.

To answer your questions:

- Check out this link for best non-profit programs. It's a start:
https://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandr ... t-rankings
- Your GPA is a potential obstacle, given that you come from a highly competitive demographic in the MBA applicant pool, one that typically has high GPAs. In terms of explaining your GPA: Was there an extraordinary circumstance that caused your low marks? Did your GPA rise as you progressed through undergrad? If so, you might try to explain these factors in the optional essay. Better yet, do you have any other analogue that is a better representation of your academic ability and potential? Programs will want to know that you can handle the material.
- Moreover, your current GMAT score will be an obstacle to gaining admission to those programs. I typically recommend an overall GMAT score of 700+, with verbal and quantitative scores of 80%+. That would open the door at those top 3 programs.
- Ultimately, our competitiveness will come down to the quality of your leadership experience in and out of work. Can you draw upon "moments" when you truly led: influenced individuals and organizations, drove results, took initiative? The more you can distinguish your leadership experience from your peer demographic, the more competitive you would be, especially at top programs.
- Anup, I think that your candidacy - as it stands, with your GPA and GMAT - is a significant reach for Harvard, Stanford, and Wharton. I would recommend beginning to explore some safer choices to mitigate risk.

Of course, I am happy to re-evaluate based on your GMAT retake and/or justification for GPA.

I hope this helps!

Best of luck,
Brian Eng
Senior Consultant


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