a cr from gmatclub

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a cr from gmatclub

by diebeatsthegmat » Thu May 05, 2011 9:22 am
Kim: The rapidly growing world population is increasing demands on food producers in ways that threaten our natural resources. With more land needed for both food production and urban areas, less land will be available for forests and wildlife habitats.
Hampton: You are overlooking the promises of technology. I am confident that improvements in agriculture will allow us to feed the world population of ten billion predicted for 2050 without significantly increasing the percentage of the world's land now devoted to agriculture.
Kim's and Hampton's statements most strongly support the claim that both of them would agree with which one of the following?
(A) Efforts should be taken to slow the rate of human population growth and to increase the amount of land committed to agriculture.
(B) Continued research into more-efficient agricultural practices and innovative biotechnology aimed at producing more food on less land would be beneficial.
(C) Agricultural and wilderness areas need to be protected from urban encroachment by preparing urban areas for greater population density.
(D) In the next half century, human population growth will continue to erode wildlife habitats and diminish forests.
(E) The human diet needs to be modified in the next half century because of the depletion of our natural resources due to overpopulation

[spoiler]i dont understand why the answer for this CR is B. to me, i dont like any answer choices in this CR.. here is what i understood after reading the CR
Kim said : Land will be less available because population is increasing, leading needing more land to live and cultivate
Hampton is like " no no, the the zize of the land will not be less available, we could still have enough land to live and cultivate till 2050 because of technology"

Is it not right that both hampton and kim are discusing if the land will be enough to live and they all agree that the population is increasing leading needing more land to cultivate and live?[/spoiler]

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by AIM GMAT » Thu May 05, 2011 12:38 pm

(A) Efforts should be taken to slow the rate of human population growth and to increase the amount of land committed to agriculture. -- [both donot talk about controlling the human population , so this is out of scope ]

(B) Continued research into more-efficient agricultural practices and innovative biotechnology aimed at producing more food on less land would be beneficial. -- [kim states that more land for agri aould hamper the existing natural resources and Hampton states that technology will improve to use the existing area of land for agri to produce increased demand of population , so both of them are in favor of technological advancement ]

(C) Agricultural and wilderness areas need to be protected from urban encroachment by preparing urban areas for greater population density. -- [Urban area , irrelevant to argument]

(D) In the next half century, human population growth will continue to erode wildlife habitats and diminish forests. -- [Argument is concerned about the land available for agriculture , this is going out of scope ]

(E) The human diet needs to be modified in the next half century because of the depletion of our natural resources due to overpopulation -- [Human diet modified , too far prospects , out of scope ]
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