Stanford Peer Recommendation Advice

Launched June 18, 2009
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Stanford Peer Recommendation Advice

by sl86 » Fri Aug 13, 2010 7:47 am

I'm having a lot of trouble thinking of a peer recommender for my Stanford application. I've had two jobs since college and at both I've been the most junior person and the only one at my level. The last time I worked in a team that wasn't vertically organized was in college. I still keep in touch with some of my college "peers" and I know that a good friend would write great things about me. However, this would be somewhat outdated.

I've also done community service work, but since I moved recently I haven't been involved in the projects for very long. I don't think these people would be able to write very good recommendations.

SO my question is this: is it better to use a college friend, who would only be able to talk about college projects, or someone more relevant but who'd write kind of a thin recommendation? Alternatively, do you think it would be worth waiting until 2nd round to apply, by which time I assume I'll have built a deeper relationship with my community service peers / done more significant work?



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by jkhousto » Mon Aug 16, 2010 5:52 am
Samantha -

Thanks so much for your questions.

To me, it really matters how deeply involved you were with your potential peer recommenders. For example - if you wait until the 2nd round, will your community service contacts be able to cite ways that you have impacted your organization in a meaningful way? As for the college peer - would this individual be able to recount how you acted as a leader and/or were a catalyst for a major accomplishment? The weaker peer recommendations are from individuals who were in meetings with you or volunteered with you but cannot speak to you as an active participant, or better yet, as a peer leader.

If you can jump in to an effort with a community organization between now and the end of the year, you may be able to foster a peer relationship that can yield a strong recommendation.

Good luck -
Jennifer Houston, MBA

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by sl86 » Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:17 am

Thanks for your quick reply!

After some thought, I have decided I do think 2nd round would be best. As much as I'd like to get started on the process (and finish it), my recs as well as my application probably would be stronger with a few more months of participation.

Thanks again for the advice,
