Advice on SC

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Advice on SC

by ziyadttp » Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:03 am
So I have been struggling with SC for quite some time now. I have gone through MGMAT SC book, Powerscore SC Bible and Princeton Verbal resources. I only had a 65% accuracy in SC while going through the questions in the Verbal OG. Today I took a GMAT offical mock test and scored V40. There were a couple of disparities with the test. Firstly I had seen two of the CR questions before in another resource. Secondly and more importantly the first 11 questions were only CR and RC. When the first SC question showed up ( i.e the 12th one) I obviously messed it up. All in all I answered 7 SC questions wrong and got another 3 SC correct by sheer dumb luck. So given that I have gone through plenty of theory as mentioned above, does anyone know how I can improve in SC?

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by prab.sahi06 » Tue Jul 16, 2019 4:18 am
ziyadttp wrote:Hi,
So I have been struggling with SC for quite some time now. I have gone through MGMAT SC book, Powerscore SC Bible and Princeton Verbal resources. I only had a 65% accuracy in SC while going through the questions in the Verbal OG. Today I took a GMAT offical mock test and scored V40. There were a couple of disparities with the test. Firstly I had seen two of the CR questions before in another resource. Secondly and more importantly the first 11 questions were only CR and RC. When the first SC question showed up ( i.e the 12th one) I obviously messed it up. All in all I answered 7 SC questions wrong and got another 3 SC correct by sheer dumb luck. So given that I have gone through plenty of theory as mentioned above, does anyone know how I can improve in SC?

Hello there.Inspite of 7 wrong SCs V40 is a great score.

I would suggest g back to OG review each problem that you marked wrong .Spend a lot of time analysiing it..

1.Why it went wrong
2.Were you able to eliminate every option with the right reasons or you just knew what the right option was
3.Did you read every SC with meaning in perspective..
4.Analyze and find out which area is weak in SC...SVA/MODIFIER ETC...Google it ad solve al previous years questions from that topic..Till you become confident.
5.Revise thoroughly and apply your learning to knew problems..
6.Practice in timed way and yes ..repeat all above steps till your strong.

You will rock GMAT!!

Hope it helps !!
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by Scott@TargetTestPrep » Wed Sep 11, 2019 6:22 pm
Hi ziyadttp,

There are three aspects to getting correct answers to GMAT Sentence Correction questions: what you know, such as grammar rules, what you see, such as violations of grammar rules and the logic of sentence structure, and what you do, such as carefully considering each answer choice in the context of the non-underlined portion of the sentence. To drive up your Sentence Correction score, you likely will have to work on all three of those aspects. Furthermore, the likely reason that your Sentence Correction performance has not improved is that you have not been working on all three of those aspects.

Regarding what you know, to be successful in Sentence Correction, first and foremost, you MUST know your grammar rules. Let's be clear, though: GMAT Sentence Correction is not just a test of knowledge of grammar rules. The reason for learning grammar rules is so that you can determine what sentences convey and whether sentences are well-constructed. In fact, in many cases, incorrect answers to Sentence Correction questions are grammatically flawless. Thus, often your task is to use your knowledge of grammar rules to determine which answer choice creates the most logical sentence meaning and structure.

This determination of whether sentences are well-constructed and logical is the second aspect of finding correct answers to Sentence Correction questions, what you see. To develop this skill, you probably have to slow way down. You won't develop this skill by spending less than two minutes per question. For a while, anyway, you have to spend time with each question, maybe even ten or fifteen minutes on one question sometimes, analyzing every answer choice until you see the details that you have to see in order to choose the correct answer. As you go through the answer choices, consider the meaning conveyed by each version of the sentence. Does the meaning make sense? Even if you can tell what the version is SUPPOSED to convey, does the version really convey that meaning? Is there a verb to go with the subject? Do all pronouns clearly refer to nouns? By slowing way down and looking for these details, you learn to see what you have to see in order to clearly understand which answer to a Sentence Correction question is correct.

There is only one correct answer to any Sentence Correction question, there are clear reasons why that choice is correct and the others are not, and none of those reasons are that the correct version simply "sounds right." In fact, the correct version often sounds a little off at first. That correct answers may sound a little off is not surprising. If the correct answers were always the ones that sounded right, then most people most of the time would get Sentence Correction questions correct, without really knowing why the wrong answers were wrong and the correct answers were correct. So, you have to go beyond choosing what "sounds right" and learn to clearly see the logical reasons why one choice is better than all of the others.

As for the third aspect of getting Sentence Correction questions correct, what you do, the main thing you have to do is be very careful. You have to make sure that you are truly considering the structures of sentences and the meanings conveyed rather than allowing yourself to be tricked into choosing trap answers that sound right but don't convey meanings that make sense. You also have to make sure that you put some real energy into finding the correct answers. Finding the correct answer to a Sentence Correction question may take bouncing from choice to choice repeatedly until you start to see the differences between the choices that make all choices wrong except for one. Often, when you first look at the choices, only one or two seem obviously incorrect. Getting the right answers takes a certain work ethic. You have to put in the necessary time to see the differences between answers and to figure out the precise reasons that one choice is correct.

To improve what you do when you answer Sentence Correction questions, seek to become aware of how you are going about answering them. Are you being careful and looking for logic and details, or are you quickly eliminating choices that sound a little off and then choosing the best of the rest? If you choose an incorrect answer, consider what you did to arrive at that answer and what you could do differently to arrive at correct answers more consistently. Furthermore, see how many questions you can get correct in a row as you practice. If you break your streak by missing one, consider what you could do differently to extend your streak.

Scott Woodbury-Stewart
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