A group of children start a mowing and raking team called Gardening Guys that services one neighborhood house a day for

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Source: Manhattan Prep

A group of children start a mowing and raking team called Gardening Guys that services one neighborhood house a day for 21 days. Each day, Gardening Guys receives $50 for their services and divides it equally between all the children who serviced the house that day. For one week (7 days), 3 children on the team go to camp and can’t work on the team, but they work every day they are not in camp. Everyone else works on the team every day. If there are k total children in Gardening Guys, where k > 3, how much will Lamar, who does not go to camp, make from working on the team?

A. \(\dfrac{1050}{k(k-2)(k-3)}\)

B. \(\dfrac{1050k}{(k-3)}\)

C. \(\dfrac{1050(k-3)}{k(k-2)}\)

D. \(\dfrac{1050}{k(k-3)}\)

E. \(\dfrac{1050(k-2)}{k(k-3)}\)

The OA is E