How to get a 670+ score in 40 days

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How to get a 670+ score in 40 days

by TeddyKgb » Wed Nov 06, 2019 7:11 am

i'm new of the forum and i would like to ask some advices.

I'm not a native english speaker and i've started studyin for the gmat 3 months ago.

- In the first month i have attended an in person course (1 month, 60 hours + homework);
- in the last two months i have studyied some 15 hours/week divided as follow:

7-8 hours/week of verbal self-studying on an online platform provided with my in person course;
7-8 hours/week refreshing math fundamentals in person with a private math teacher (i'm a lawyer and i haven't seen anything similar in last 15 years).

I've already taken a couple of CATs and my avg result is 580.

I took 2 months completely off from my work and i registered for the offical exam on december 16th (40 days left).
My target score is 670+. In case of insuccess i have given myself a last further chance buy re-taking the exam within january 15th.

My realistic prevision is to study an avg of 5 hours/day for 6 days/week until the day of the exam.

1. How would you manage time if you were in my position?
2. How would you organize the work in order for being really effective for such a difficult score increase in 40 days?
3. Would you recommend any online course program in my situation? If yes, wich one? I have already taken a look to some online programs but i would like to hear some of your experiences in this area.
I kindly ask to those who work for online prep sites to avoid spam and any post on this topic. I would prefer to read non-interested opinions.

Thank you for reading,


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Re: How to get a 670+ score in 40 days

by purvasark19 » Sat May 02, 2020 8:48 pm
Hi Daniele,

I am a prospective test taker too and in my experience, its always best to be thorough with your quantitative reasoning basics as those are tested as you move along tougher questions. Secondly for CR make a Verbal Error Log and go through it/ revise it on a daily basis. Go through the answer explanations and make a note of it in another column in your error log. Also if want to do timed practice you can go to and create your account and start a timer and start solving questions. Gmat club creates an error log on its own once you're done solving questions. You can always look at the answer explanation and go through that error log.
For RC- the passage is a real piece of article coming from an authentic source. Keep practicing and spot the kind of passages you have trouble solving- personally I find passages on Marine Biology and geography hard to understand. Do target based prep and you can select the subject of the passage on gmat club and practice accordingly.
For SC- go through the main concepts like Modifiers, Comparisons, Parallelism, Verbs, Tenses, Subject Verb Agreement (SVA) and Idioms. And keep practicing! The key is to infer the correct meaning, the sentence should make sense on reading it.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you need any more tips ... :)


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Hi Daniele,

I see it’s been some time since your last post. How did things end up working out with the GMAT?

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by JoshuaMep » Mon Mar 08, 2021 6:11 am
How much should I score in 12th to get a good university for mbbs in Canada? Can you help me out with the exams I need to give to study mbbs in canada? Can you please give me the complete information on the same? Awaiting for your answer.

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TeddyKgb wrote:
Wed Nov 06, 2019 7:11 am

i'm new of the forum and i would like to ask some advices.

I'm not a native english speaker and i've started studyin for the gmat 3 months ago.

- In the first month i have attended an in person course (1 month, 60 hours + homework);
- in the last two months i have studyied some 15 hours/week divided as follow:

7-8 hours/week of verbal self-studying on an online platform provided with my in person course;
7-8 hours/week refreshing math fundamentals in person with a private math teacher (i'm a lawyer and i haven't seen anything similar in last 15 years).

I've already taken a couple of CATs and my avg result is 580.

I took 2 months completely off from my work and i registered for the offical exam on december 16th (40 days left).
My target score is 670+. In case of insuccess i have given myself a last further chance buy re-taking the exam within january 15th.

My realistic prevision is to study an avg of 5 hours/day for 6 days/week until the day of the exam.

1. How would you manage time if you were in my position?
2. How would you organize the work in order for being really effective for such a difficult score increase in 40 days?
3. Would you recommend any online course program in my situation? If yes, wich one? I have already taken a look to some online programs but i would like to hear some of your experiences in this area.
I kindly ask to those who work for online prep sites to avoid spam and any post on this topic. I would prefer to read non-interested opinions.

Thank you for reading,

1. Estimate the amount of time you need - 1 months of effort with about 2-2.5 hours of study per day is enough. Don’t study a lot - study smarter.
Studying the concepts is more important than covering thousands of questions
OG is a very essential resource, Please go through it.
Spend more time on introspecting the question and less time on solving the questions.
Practice a mock test to get your timing under control every fortonight, timing is very important.
Create the sequence of study - starting with the section which is your strength but don’t forget to divide equal time for quant and verbal in your study schedule.
Spend 2 minutes answering the question and 5 minutes for understanding why a certain option is right and others are not.
Have a notebook in your hand always and make notes of what you are learning.
Revise those notes regularly, Very importantly memorise those rules.

if you want a customised timetable, we can help build it based on your strength, weakness and areas of improvement. If you really need at the moment, Ping us at 9663487222 (Whatsapp) or email us ([email protected])