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Hey Jason, It sounds as if you're acknowledging that MGMAT's product is better than Kaplan's. ("Kaplan did acquire Manhattan GMAT, but intends to maintain it... Students will see no change.") Is the plan therefore to keep MGMAT as the premium brand and Kaplan as the middle tier brand? That...

by Jose Ferreira

Thu Jan 07, 2010 6:44 am
Forum: Lounge
Topic: Kaplan acquires Manhattan GMAT
Replies: 12
Views: 20668

Hi rrkan, Our psychometricians put together a fantastic CAT FAQ that you should check out: . It should help with some of your questions. As a Knewton student, if you have more individual questions about your particular situation, please email us at

by Jose Ferreira

Wed Aug 12, 2009 6:45 pm
Forum: Ask a Knewton representative
Topic: Analysis of diagnostic test
Replies: 1
Views: 1812

I would also give this essay a 5. Nice job. With a little fine-tuning, your essays should be able to earn a 6. Your organization is strong. You introduce a thesis, touch on supporting points in the intro paragraph, and then flesh out those points in the subsequent body paragraphs. Mainly, this essay...

by Jose Ferreira

Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:22 pm
Forum: GMAT Essays (AWA)
Topic: Please rate my essay
Replies: 3
Views: 2257

Thanks for sharing this essay. I would also score it a 5. The writing is clear and you worked diligently to put forth a strong argument. The essay would not earn a 5.5 or a 6 for the following reasons: 1) Introduce your supporting points in the thesis paragraph. Touch on the flaws in the intro parag...

by Jose Ferreira

Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:27 am
Forum: GMAT Essays (AWA)
Topic: Rate my essay
Replies: 7
Views: 2634

Hi guys, we can see what things you've done in the system, and in the case that it was just some feeling around, we can certainly ensure that you'll still receive the guarantee. Additionally, we have further developed our trial since you wrote in, so it's easier for new students to play around and n...

by Jose Ferreira

Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:09 pm
Forum: Ask a Knewton representative
Topic: 50-point improvement or your money back??
Replies: 5
Views: 3312

Jose from responds to your essay

This essay would earn a score of 4.5, meaning that one scorer would likely score it a 4, while another would likely score it a 5. Your thesis is clear and the writing is succinct; your examples are well-chosen. The reasons this essay did not a 5+ are: 1. Density. Simply put: write more. Use all of t...

by Jose Ferreira

Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:59 am
Forum: GMAT Essays (AWA)
Topic: Rate my issue essay..thanks
Replies: 4
Views: 2417

In my opinion, the Answer is A . The argument talks about LP's politically savvy move of catering to the rural and semirural groups. Choice A has one key word, "urban," that makes the whole answer irrelevant. We do not know if LP catered to urban groups before 1935, during 1935, or after 1...

by Jose Ferreira

Thu May 28, 2009 2:19 pm
Forum: Critical Reasoning
Topic: Election victory
Replies: 4
Views: 2051

One of the most important tips I can offer on Data Sufficiency is to pay attention when the GMAT gives you a bit of information without calling much attention to it. In this case, I am honing in on the fact that statement 1 talks about the "average" returns each person received. To establi...

by Jose Ferreira

Wed May 27, 2009 7:09 am
Forum: Data Sufficiency
Topic: Leslie and Kerri
Replies: 4
Views: 1629

A) Idiom. You should say "Such spiders as" instead of "Such spiders like" B) Subject-verb agreement. You need "Such spiders build" instead of "Such spiders builds" C) Awkward and wordy. Subject-verb agreement. Preferable to say "The argiope spider, like ...

by Jose Ferreira

Tue May 26, 2009 3:42 pm
Forum: Sentence Correction
Topic: SC
Replies: 1
Views: 1574

A report by the American Academy for the Advancement of Science has concluded that much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North Americans are exposed comes from the incineration of wastes. (A) much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins - you can't say "much of the ' plural noun '&q...

by Jose Ferreira

Tue May 26, 2009 3:23 pm
Forum: Sentence Correction
Topic: sc-1000
Replies: 1
Views: 1398

This is a great question, and one with a very common GMAT strategy that I espouse to all my students: just start filling in variables for all possible angles, and see what happens. (I'm going to refer to angles just as the three letters.) So, for example, is BDC=2x, then we know that BDA=180-2x. Now...

by Jose Ferreira

Mon May 25, 2009 11:34 am
Forum: Data Sufficiency
Topic: Geometry DS question
Replies: 2
Views: 1257

This essay is a 10. Nice work. It features a strong, well-reasoned perspective. As a bit of constructive critique I could offer only the following: Watch your organization. I like to tell students to create the following 5-paragraph framework: 1) Intro paragraph. State succinct thesis with specific ...

by Jose Ferreira

Mon May 25, 2009 10:31 am
Forum: GMAT Essays (AWA)
Topic: Please rate merciless
Replies: 2
Views: 1748

Thanks for sharing this essay. I believe this essay would earn a 9, meaning that one reader would score it a 4, while another would give it a 5. While it is extremely well-written, the essay probably comes up a bit short of a 10 because you don't take a strong enough stance. Pick a side of the argum...

by Jose Ferreira

Mon May 25, 2009 10:24 am
Forum: GMAT Essays (AWA)
Topic: What does this rate? ruthless!
Replies: 4
Views: 2009

I also advocate coming up with a potentially correct assumption before looking at the answers. If you get good at this, you can save a whole lot of time. But you're right; sometimes, you spend time coming up with your own viable assumption, and it turns out to look nothing like the correct answer. T...

by Jose Ferreira

Wed May 20, 2009 1:57 pm
Forum: GMAT Verbal & Essays
Topic: come up with an assumption?
Replies: 2
Views: 2823

The first question is a matter of conversational preference, but they are both acceptable. I went to the store today. I went today to the store. The word "today" is an adverb that describes when I went, and "to the store" is an adverb saying where I went. As we know, it is perfec...

by Jose Ferreira

Wed May 20, 2009 1:42 pm
Forum: Sentence Correction
Topic: 2 Questions
Replies: 3
Views: 1769