Search found 2 matches

Short-term? Long-term goals? Why MBA? Why now?

Dear Admissions Consultants, I have a friend applying to MBA schools and I am writing this post on his behalf. Quick profile: - 28 y.o. male, Korean-American - SVA Grad majored in Advertising - worked at Droga5 for several years - founded 2 NGOs that hosts exhibits/events to do with cross-cultural c...

by minsoolyo

Fri Jul 22, 2016 8:52 pm
Forum: Ask an MBA Admissions Consultant
Topic: Short-term? Long-term goals? Why MBA? Why now?
Replies: 3
Views: 21738

Profile Analysis - Fall 2016 Intake

Dear Admissions Experts, I'd really appreciate it if you could have a look at my profile and let me know of my odds of getting into B-school. US, UK citizen; Ethnically Asian; 27 year old male. BS Mechanical Engineering from Columbia University GPA: 3.67/4.33, GMAT: 760 (Q:49, V:44, IR:8, AWA:6.0) P...

by minsoolyo

Fri Feb 19, 2016 6:35 am
Forum: Ask an MBA Admissions Consultant
Topic: Profile Analysis - Fall 2016 Intake
Replies: 4
Views: 1422