Search found 351 matches

Re: Profile Evaluation for INSEAD

Hi MBAHopeful-- You've got some great stuff here! New Zealand and Malaysia are both relatively underserved demographics, so either would be an asset for you. Your career progress looks super, although I'd love to see more quantification about the size of the people-leadership roles in your professio...

by MargaretStrother

Sun Oct 31, 2021 7:27 pm
Forum: Ask Stacy Blackman
Topic: Profile Evaluation for INSEAD
Replies: 2
Views: 3961

Re: Profile Evaluation for Deferred MBA Progam

Hi Otto! Your profile looks very promising. I love the GPA and the international exposure. I'd worry about a 720 GMAT; 2+2-type programs are hard to get into, and you'll probably want to apply with a GMAT that's closer to, or ideally above, the median for your target schools. So 730+ would put you i...

by MargaretStrother

Wed Sep 29, 2021 12:38 pm
Forum: Ask Clear Admit
Topic: Profile Evaluation for Deferred MBA Progam
Replies: 1
Views: 2056

Re: Profile Evaluation Request

Hi Vaibhav, Thanks for your query. I see a lot of great things in your profile: super GPA, great internationally-oriented work experience. Joining the family business: I wouldn't recommend leaving a global company like EY to work for the family business the year you're applying to an international b...

by MargaretStrother

Tue Aug 31, 2021 12:08 pm
Forum: Ask Stacy Blackman
Topic: Profile Evaluation Request
Replies: 1
Views: 1785

Re: MBA - Work Experience

Hi Ravi, Thanks for your question! I do think 18 years of work experience will present a challenge to top full-time MBA programs in the US. Most of these programs are targeted for applicants at an earlier stage of their careers; a quick glance at the incoming class profile of top schools shows that ...

by MargaretStrother

Fri Jul 16, 2021 4:25 pm
Forum: Ask Stacy Blackman
Topic: MBA - Work Experience
Replies: 1
Views: 1665

Re: Rate my profile and recommend schools

Hi Kaizmoto, Interesting profile! Top business schools will like your leadership and experience in operations/manufacturing, such as steel and solar. However, I would need more information in order to better advise you about target schools: 1) Undergraduate institution and GPA 2) Test scores -- GMAT...

by MargaretStrother

Mon May 31, 2021 2:52 pm
Forum: The Application Process
Topic: Rate my profile and recommend schools
Replies: 1
Views: 1229

Re: Template for a resume and a CV, suggestions or help anyone?

Your CV/Resume is a crucial part of your HBS 2+2 application -- same goes for any other deferred admission application for top business schools. One of the things I work on most with 2+2 applicants is developing the professional experience section: while you're not expected to have extensive busines...

Re: Lors for B school

You're in luck! For top graduate business programs such as the MBA, where applicants have typically spent three or more years in the work force before applying, academic recommendations are actually discouraged. Ideally, you would want one recommendation from your current professional supervisor, an...

by MargaretStrother

Wed Apr 21, 2021 7:58 am
Forum: Ask ApplicantLab
Topic: Lors for B school
Replies: 1
Views: 2693

Re: lehigh vs babson 1 year mba

Not knowing more about your industry or goals, if you're focused on getting a job post-MBA, a quick reply would be "Lehigh" -- Babson specializes in entrepreneurship, with around half their graduating class starting their own companies. Both are great schools, so it's really a matter of wh...

by MargaretStrother

Sun Mar 28, 2021 8:29 am
Forum: Ask an MBA Admissions Consultant
Topic: lehigh vs babson 1 year mba
Replies: 1
Views: 2750

Re: evaluate my profile. thanks in advance

Hi there! You've got a lot of great data here -- involvement in college, community service, CFA. Your profile aligns pretty well with a top US Masters in Management program such as the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business. It's actually good that your BTech took 4+ years, because many In...

by MargaretStrother

Wed Mar 24, 2021 10:15 am
Forum: Ask Stacy Blackman
Topic: evaluate my profile. thanks in advance
Replies: 2
Views: 3352

Re: College Application

Well, this is a pretty open question, but if I had ONE piece of advice it would be: "Answer the question you're being asked." That seems obvious, but it can be tricky: one school asks about your career aspirations and how their program can help, another asks about your short-term goal s an...

by MargaretStrother

Wed Dec 30, 2020 7:39 pm
Forum: Ask Stacy Blackman
Topic: College Application
Replies: 3
Views: 2536

Re: Regarding schools choice and POST MBA -Career GOALS

Hi Dreamerat34! You have a good grasp of the issues. The key will be finding programs where the experience-range and school assets are both a fit for you. GRE: yes, get it to 160/160 or higher -- again, I recommend looking at your target schools' incoming class profiles, but in my experience the old...

Re: GMAT or GRE for lawyer

I'd recommend the GRE, unless you're particularly strong in quant skills. Most lawyers I've worked with have strong verbal skills given their background, but unless they had a lot of quant in undergrad, they struggled with the quant in the GMAT. People generally tell me the GRE is easier for this sk...

by MargaretStrother

Fri Nov 27, 2020 9:23 am
Forum: The Application Process
Topic: GMAT or GRE for lawyer
Replies: 4
Views: 2517

Re: Admission into a top school?

Fortunately, there will be a few years between your undergraduate graduation and beginning your MBA studies -- typically 3 or 4 years of full-time, post college work experience. So that gives you a lot of time to do things that can minimize the negative impact of the low GPA. * First, of course, be ...

by MargaretStrother

Mon Nov 23, 2020 10:19 am
Forum: Ask an MBA Admissions Consultant
Topic: Admission into a top school?
Replies: 4
Views: 3831

Re: Msc Finance - Need guidance and evaluation for 20F non-IT Indian

Hi -- your numbers look great, but the first thing we need to determine is whether the schools you're interested in will accept applicants with no post-undergraduate work experience. (As an MBA specialist, the MsF applicants I've worked with generally have had a few years of work experience.) Lookin...

Re: Profile Evaluation for HSW

Hi Fin94! Well, you've got a lot of good stuff here: love the GMAT, love the work experience. GPA: a bit low for HBS, but they might overlook it if everything else is spectacular. However, I don't have enough material to assess your competitiveness for these programs. Missing for me is leadership, i...

by MargaretStrother

Wed Sep 30, 2020 12:26 pm
Forum: Ask an MBA Admissions Consultant
Topic: Profile Evaluation for HSW
Replies: 3
Views: 3127