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Why Your MBA Friends Are Not Always the Best People to Review Your Essays

by Vantage Point MBA, Nov 13, 2018

Last year I had a client who called me panicking I showed my applications to several co-workers and they completely tore apart my essays! What do I do?? This applicant had a really amazing story (he got into everywhere he applied, by the way). However, each of his co-workers had different recommendations including everything from new, creative ways that he should position himself to changes that he should make in his writing style. My first question was I hate to ask, but are they MBAs?

I know how this goes because it is me hence why I work in this industry. In business school, you learn how to think critically and questioning-ly about every single thing how the supply chain must have impacted the quality of food you received at a local restaurant to how one tweak in geolocating could really be the turning point of this new delivery food service in your area. Im friends with MBAs from every top school, and seriously people sit around and discuss stuff like this (over drinks). Were always thinking about new ideas its nerdy but true