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What One MBA Applicant Would Have Done Differently

by Stacy Blackman Consulting, Jun 16, 2016

Something unique and completely unexpected arrived in my inbox recently. With the author's permission and encouragement, I share this letter in the hopes that some of my blog readers might benefit from it ... especially anyone on the fence about the value of working with an MBA admissions consultant.

Dear Stacy Blackman,

I didnt use your services, but after going through the entire application process on my own over this last year, I wish I would have.

As a point of context I am from the West Coast but I live in New York where I work as an economist at a large government agency. It has been a really interesting job where I have been able to work on large scale and high profile projects that have helped to shape the New York region.

It has been an ideal first job after I did my masters in economics at a top ranked policy school but I am ready to go back to school and try to switch careers into consulting. I am in my mid-late twenties and I have lots of volunteer experience here in New YorkI am even the youngest deacon at my Manhattan based church.

The reason I wish I would have used your services is because I don't think I completely capitalized on my profile. I didn't end up with a terrible outcomeI will be attending a top 25 MBA program in the fall on a 90% fellowship and I am currently on the wait list at another top 25 program.

Many people would be envious of my position and I am excited about this new chapter in my life. I have a very generous offer from a very good school, but it is not the school I started out this process dreaming about. After going through the process completely alone, I am convinced that there must be a better way that would allow me to display my full potential and get my closer to my dream schools.

About a month ago I reached out through the website for a free consultation and was paired with Bill Chionis. At the time I had been admitted to the MBA program with a large fellowship, but I was thinking about turning it down and applying to schools again this coming fall with the hope that I could get into my dream schools. I wanted to know what he thought the possibilities were if I used your help the next year. Right after I hung up the phone I realized I had made a mistake by not reaching out to you at the very beginning.

The phone call made me realize how alone I had been throughout the process. I am not someone who came from an Ivy league background where everyone seems to know the ins and outs of the highly competitive MBA admissions processor at least can talk to their networks about what they should do. I was completely alone and in the darkreading up on every blog to figure out what I should do.

What I lacked was a person who could honestly and objectively look at my profile and help me communicate the whole of my profile. I needed someone who could look at my application materials, identify the holes and help me overcome them. I needed someone who could push me to take my application from good to great. I needed someone who could tell me what the programs were really like beyond all of the recruiting nonsense and sales pitches. After hanging up the phone I realized that these people exist and that they certainly exist at Stacy Blackman Consulting.

Would I have gotten into my dream school? Maybe. There are so many highly qualified people applying it is hard to tell. Do I think I would have had a much better shot at getting into my dream schools? Absolutely. Using your services would definitely have been worth the investment. The amount of time and guesswork they would have saved me would have undoubtedly made my applications significantly stronger and made my life through the process much less stressful.

This is likely not the typical email you receiveI am writing to tell you that I wished I would have gone to you last year. It's a little strange. That said, I have a motive. I hope this email helps you convince someone else like me to take advantage of what you offer. It is an investment that really is worth it. From someone that did it on their ownit would have been worth every penny to get help.

Thanks! Even though I didn't take advantage of it, I appreciate what you do!


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If you are looking for guidance on your MBA application, Stacy Blackman Consulting can help with hourly and comprehensive consulting services. Contact us to learn more.