Jordan: If a business invests the money necessary

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Jordan: If a business invests the money necessary to implement ecologically sound practices, its market share will decrease. But if it doesn't implement these practices, it pollutes that environment and wastes resources.
Terry: But if consumers demand environmental responsibility of all businesses, no particular business will be especially hurt.

In which one of the following exchanges is the logical relationship between Jordan's and Terry's statements most similar to the logical relationship between their statements above?

(A) Jordan: Either it will rain and our plans for a picnic will be thwarted or it won't rain and the garden will go yet another day without much-needed watering. Terry: But if it doesn't rain, we can buy a hose and water the garden with the hose.
(B) Jordan: Each person can have either an enjoyable life or a long life, for one must eat vegetables and exercise continuously to stay healthy. Terry: That's not true: there are many happy health-conscious people.
(C) Jordan: If taxes are raised, many social problems could be solved, but if they're lowered, the economy will grow again. So we can't have both social reform and a growing economy. Terry: But if taxes remain at their current level, neither social problems nor the economy will get worse.
(D) Jordan: If we remodel the kitchen, the house will be more valuable, but even if we do, there's no guarantee that we'll actually get more for the house when we sell it. Terry: But if we don't remodel the kitchen, we might get even less for the house than we paid for it.
(E) Jordan: If the dam's spillway is opened, the river might flood the eastern part of town, but if the spillway is not opened, the dam might burst. Terry: There's no real danger of the dam's bursting, but if we get more heavy rain, opening the spillway is the most prudent policy.