Message to Experts & Consultants

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Message to Experts & Consultants

by beatthegmat » Mon Oct 20, 2008 7:44 pm
In the last several weeks, I�ve noticed that lots of new experts have been joining the Beat The GMAT community to provide advice to our members. Welcome, it�s great to have you here!

To get you up to speed regarding guidelines for experts, please respect the following guidelines:
  • Your primary role is to serve as a teacher/advisor/expert for the community--not a pure marketer. Community members will respect you more if you produce lots of quality content rather than attempting to directly market services. Please do not spam us!
  • You're allowed to post in all areas of the forum where you think you can add value, with the exception of any company-branded forum areas.
  • We do not wish to see gamesmanship or flaming. You are prohibited from discussing or providing opinions about the services of your competitors. Feel free to speak to your own services when the topic is raised, but avoid drawing direct comparisons or negatively framing your competitors. Additionally, when responding to a thread that already has responses from your competitors, focus your own response to the original member's query. Do not write posts that respond to what another competitor has written.
  • When you have your account set up, go to the 'My Profile' tab after logging in and update your signature. Identify yourself as a professional to ensure full disclosure to our members.
Thanks again for contributing to our community! Our members are grateful for your professional advice.
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