Got 690 from 630 in one month prep!!!!!!!

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Got 690 from 630 in one month prep!!!!!!!

by the_ruler » Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:43 pm
My GMAT Score:
1st attempt : 630, Q-47, V-30, AWA-3.5, given in Aug 2010
2nd Attempt: 690, Q-49, V-34, AWA-4.5 given in Sep 2010

As I am writing down my experience, I remember about the topics which someone has posted such as GOT 770 in 2 weeks or got 750 in one week etc.

Friends this is not true at all. They must have not mentioned their preparation for other entrance exams.

I am working full time and have 2 kids, one is 5 years old and other 9 months old....You can understand the time which I was able to spare for my preparation...

In my 1st attempt I was clear about the formulas and verbal theory part, but where I lagged was practice....
Then in one month what I did was only practice, practice and practice......And I did only OGs and GMAT prep...No other material. Although I thought doing the CAT material (an exam taken by India's premier B-school) but was not having enough time.

GMAT prep, I purposefully have given only 4 times as then questions started repeating and the idea of giving the test was getting defeated.

My advice....

For preparation:

Do OGs & Quant / Verbal review thoroughly. Quant questions were way beyond OG level so you need to be more clear on the concepts. If you are not comfortable with quant start understanding the concepts from some high school books (cannot comment of MGAMT or other books as have not read them) question.

Practice lot of questions with time bound. Initially it might be difficult but later on you will improve. My low score, though improved, in verbal in second attempt is only because of not enough practice (but due to some personal reasons I was unable to extended my exam any further).

Do GMAT prep only in the last month or 2 of your preparation. My experience is that your actual score will be last GMAT prep score - 30/40 points. Here again I would like to point that although in my first attempt my last GMAT prep score was 740 but my actual score was 630; it was only because of less practice.

If you are preparing full time for the exam I think around 3-4 months are sufficient and if preparing like me give 6-7 months for the preparation.

Don't give GMAT for the sake of simply giving it.

For GMAT exam:

Do not take the paper lightly. Keep your calm. Do not loose heart if you feel like you are picking wrong answers. Be focused. There will be plenty of questions left to improve your score.

And Best of Luck!!!!!!!!!



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by reply2spg » Wed Sep 22, 2010 2:19 pm
Good score buddy :)
(have lot of things to learn from all of you)

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by outreach » Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:18 am
congrats on the great score
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