Hanlon’s Razor cautions that one should never attribute to malice that which can instead be attributed to stupidity. But

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Hanlon’s Razor cautions that one should never attribute to malice that which can instead be attributed to stupidity. But my roommate knew that my prize cactus should only be watered once a week, so it is clear that by overwatering the plant he intended to destroy it.

Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the argument?

Intending to destroy a plant is a form of malice.
The roommate resented being obliged to water the cactus.
The roommate expressed great sorrow upon being told that he was responsible for the death of the cactus.
The roommate is a member of a local botanical society.
The roommate was unaware of the amount of water the cactus was to be given.


Source: Veritas Prep