Book Review -- Endgame: A Finishing Guide to GMAT Quant

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Spaceland Prep's Endgame: A Finishing Guide to GMAT Quant

Endgame is a strange or I will say interesting name for any prep book! The name itself has some attraction. This book is different from the other available guides for GMAT preparation, it is not for those picking up thier first book or just beginning the prep. It is the last book that you will need! This book is intended to be the final step in one's preparation for the Quantitative section of the GMAT. This book doesn't focus on the shortcuts taught by prep companies, but allows for the use of those shortcuts. This book is designed for those willing to delve deep into mathematical concepts and understand that underneath the surface of each GMAT Quant problem is a Mathematical concept being tested.

The book will teach you how to break the problems and how to translate the word problems in mathematics. Book covers mainly following topics,

Number Properties

A little bit about Probability and Combinatorics is also discussed in the Arithmetic section. At the end of each chapter you will find the list of questions that are tested on OG 13th and you can practice those along with the given practice questions in the book. This comes in handy when you are in the last stage of preparation. I find Geometry chapter really helpful. You will find at he end of chapter summaries of formulas and concepts.

Apart from the above, additional tactics for specific question types are discussed and problem sets are offered. The book also focuses on broad Quantitative section strategies, such as timing and how to identify wrong answer choices based on question and the given information. At the end of book, it gives explanation for the Official Guide Diagnostic Test Quant Problems.

The only drawback I see in the book is that it assumes person to be of learned some pretty good basic concepts especially in the Probability section but some of those assumptions are understandable given that this is supposed to be a finishing guide.

Endgame provides a unified plan of attack for the Quant section. I will say it again that one need to finish basic concepts before jumping to this book. Once finished, the book leaves the reader confident and thoroughly prepared. If you have gone through basic books for GMAT quant and you are still not confident, pick up this book. This is is one of the rare prep books that sticks pretty close to its stated goals and audience; definitively, it is a polishing book, not a starting book!

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