OG 16 Medium level Cause and Effect question.

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One summer, floods covered low-lying garlic �elds situated in a region with a large mosquito population. Since mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, flooded �elds would normally attract mosquitoes, yet no mosquitoes were found in the �elds. Diallyl sul�de, a major component of garlic, is known to repel several species of insects, including mosquitoes, so it is likely that diallyl sul�de from the garlic repelled the mosquitoes.

Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?

(A) Diallyl sul�de is also found in onions but at concentrations lower than in garlic.

(B) The mosquito population of the region as a whole was signi�cantly smaller during the year in which the flooding took place than it had been in previous years.

(C) By the end of the summer, most of the garlic plants in the flooded �elds had been killed by waterborne fungi.

(D) Many insect species not repelled by diallyl sul�de were found in the flooded garlic �elds throughout the summer.

(E) Mosquitoes are known to be susceptible to toxins in plants other than garlic, such as marigolds.

OA D. Could some one help me understand the Cause and Effect reasoning in this question and also help me understand why is the OA authentic as per the Cause and Effect rules. I am having a hard time applying the Cause and Effect concept!

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by woshibalu » Wed Sep 23, 2015 5:04 am
I chose D,though I don't know it is right or not. because it eliminates the possibility that other insects not repelled by DS were also killed,thus strenthening the argument.