GMAT skype study group for 99 percentile aspirants

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I am planning to take GMAT on December. I am very strong in Quants but my verbal skills are horrible.
I am planning to prepare 5 hours on weekend. I am looking for study buddy since preparing for exams alone is so boring. Anyone interested can ping me in Skype. My skype mail ID is [email protected]
I can help in Quants and Data sufficiency section as those are my strong areas. I need help in Sentence correction


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by [email protected] » Sun Jul 03, 2016 10:38 am
Hi Gowthaman,

With a December Test Date, you have LOTS of time to study and improve (and if your Quant skills are as strong as you say they are, then you might not need nearly that much time). However, if you're only going to study 5 hours each weekend, you might find it difficult to significantly raise your score. Many Test Takers find it most effective to study in 'small chunks' throughout the week, as opposed to 'cramming' on the weekends. As such, you might want to adjust your study plans.

It sounds like you're just beginning your studies. If that's the case, then it would be a good idea to take a FULL-LENGTH practice CAT Test; you can download 2 for free from (and they come with some additional practice materials). If you want to do a little studying first, so that you can familiarize yourself with the basic content and question types, then that's okay - but you shouldn't wait too long to take that initial CAT. That score will give us a good sense of your natural strengths and weaknesses and will help provide a basis for comparison as you continue to study. A FULL CAT takes about 4 hours to complete, so make sure that you've set aside enough time to take it in one sitting. Once you have those scores, you should report back here and we can talk through the results and how best to proceed

I'd like to know a bit more about your timeline and goals:
1) What is your goal score?
2) When are you planning to apply to Business School?

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by Gowthaman » Mon Jul 04, 2016 9:36 am
Hi Rich,

Thanks for your reply. Like you mentioned, I am in early stages of preparation. If 5 hours on weekends is not enough, I can increase my study time. Currently I am working in IT firm in India, so spending time on weekdays is somehow difficult. I know without hardwork, I can't achieve anything.
Lets come back to your questions

1) What is your goal score?

Like I mentioned above, I am an Indian IT male with 1.5 years of experience in a mid-level company. So my profile will be similar to the common application category "Indians from IT background". This makes my work experience not much attractive.
Also, my college GPA sucks!I did computer science engineering with a very low GPA 6.19 out of 10 which is similar to 2.4 in US scale. I am having really great 12th grade marks (95% which is equivalent to 99 percentile) but there is no use with it as adcom people don't even look my school marks. In college, I completely lost focus in studies due to drugs and had backlogs in most of the subjects. I had totally 24 backlogs.
My GPA is completely a shit and my work experience is also ain't good. The only chance is GMAT. My aim is to score 750+ in GMAT so that I have a chance to get into top 25 BSchools. I practised with OG books and I have no trouble with quants section. But verbal is a nightmare to me, especially sentence correction. I managed to answer correctly only 3 questions out of 10 and that too I am not so confident with why this option is correct and others are not. In reading comprehension, if there is 4 questions for a paragraph, then I am able to answer 3 questions correct but that too takes very long time to read the passage

2) When are you planning to apply to Business School?
Frankly, I am in a lot of dilemma for this question.From my school days, my dreamland is always US. But sincw my GPA is poor, I am in a lots of confusion whether I need to pursue my MBA in India. If I score anything above 700,I can get into a decent bschool with 2 years of work experience. If so, I must attend GMAT in December as January will be deadline for most MBA programs in India
If I pursue MBA from US, then time is not a problem. I can work for 1 more year, having lots of time for preparation,I can get very high GMAT score assuming my verbal skill is improved

I know my answer is somehow irrelevant and deviates from your question. But I am always in confusion like if I score great GMAT, will I get some good programs in US or its wise to attend GMAT this year itself with some moderate score maybe 700+ and join in Indian bschools
Appreciate you, If you have answers for these questions also. Please don't give me false hope like "If you ace GMAT, you can get into top bschools even with low GPA" just to boost my confidence.

Thanks & regards,

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by Gowthaman » Mon Jul 04, 2016 9:42 am
Hi Rich,

Just now I went to your website. If you thought I will subscribe to your course, I am really sorry for that.
The subscription cost $1500 is my 6 months salary!!!


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by [email protected] » Mon Jul 04, 2016 8:51 pm
Hi Gowthaman,

I'm here to help regardless of how you choose to prepare for the GMAT, so if you have any questions then you can feel free to ask. Also, I'm not sure what website you were visiting, but there's no product on our website that costs $1500.

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by Indradeep1click » Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:10 pm
What you need is a structured plan - everyday you need to study and preferably every day, each section. How much time you dedicate depends on your current level, how far the test is and which sections you are really struggling with. Studying only on the weekends will definitely be really hard - it is not the total number of hours but how spread those hours are.
Have you considered taking classes for one section i.e. sentence correction rather than the whole course?
Hope this helps.
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