In need of serious help...

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In need of serious help...

by hubbs23 » Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:00 pm
Hi everyone,

I have been prepping on and off for the GMAT for over a year now. I scored a dismal 440 on my very first practice test and after taking a Princeton Review course I scored a 530 on my first official exam.

I realized that I needed to make a significant improvement on the exam to get into a competitive school so I took a MGMAT course hoping to reach 600. When I took my second official exam and saw my score (400!!!) I wanted to cry. MGMAT does not offer a score guarantee so I wasted $1000.

My third test is around the corner and I am at my wit's end. I'm still scoring well below what I know to be my true ability level. I have put in the work and money and I'm not seeing results.

Is there anyone out there that can suggest a few things I can do to raise my score?

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by odannyboi » Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:23 pm
Did you do your assignments?

I dunno.. I think you might be overstudying. I studied my butt off 3-4 hours a day a few weeks and up to my real test day and it didnt retain. Cancelled my score.

Now round 2, I changed my strategy to study about 2 hours a day and remained calm (instead of beating myself up over not getting the material). I found it a little easier to go back and reread the books (I couldnt for the life of me get how to do age problems and rate problems before but I did the exercise lists for each section using OG11 and got 30/31 correct under timed conditions including DS problems associated with the sections.. I used to get about 50% of DS problems wrong). Really attack DS and your math score will improve. I skipped the book on inequilities b/c i thought i knew all abouit them... turns out it was a really useful subject and I went back and really studied it.. they tend to ask alot of those types for DS.

Just remain calm and GET SLEEP. I was going to bed at 1 and waking up at 7ish for work and I was tired all day so all of that studying went to waste.. you can't retain if your brain is tired.

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by inmate » Thu Oct 14, 2010 9:38 pm
If you learned something, then you didn't waste anything. It's your study. I heard the MGMAT is very good.