490 in cold mock to 720 in first attempt: 5 months

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My GMAT journey has been great. Thanks to TTP. Although my score of 720 is not super high considering the fact that I am from a competitive background, I owe my Q51 to them. And if I can achieve this score while struggling with Long-COVID symptoms, anyone can!!

Like most people, I spent a lot of time looking for the right course to help me in this journey. I was confused because there are a lot of courses with AMAZING reviews on GMAT Club. So I thought of taking a trial of a few courses to get a feel of them.

When I started the trials, I was amazed by TTP’s platform. With an amazing UI, numerous practice questions broken down by chapters, and a constant focus on repetitive learning it looked just amazing. And unlike the majority of other courses, they offer complete access to the course during the trial period so that you can be convinced (and you will be for sure!!! Trust me!!!!) that TTP is just what you need. I instantly purchased their 6-month plan and got started with my prep.

Also, I took a cold mock just to get a realistic understanding of the effort that I need to put in. I was shocked when I saw a score of 490. But I didn’t let that hurt my confidence. Looked at this as an opportunity to improve my score. I knew that TTP had my back.

One added benefit was that they are super approachable via emails and chats and do a good job of clarifying your doubts. Ask them anything about GMAT and they will get back to you within a couple of hours.

Some people say that TTP is very time-consuming. But try to understand that the whole MBA process, right from GMAT prep to getting an admit, is tough and time-consuming. There are no shortcuts. Trust me!!! Nothing comes easy. I diligently completed the chapters and the subsequent chapter tests in the sequence suggested by TTP. Just stick to the plan as much as possible. It really works and helps you strengthen what you just learned.

They ask you to take official mocks only after the end of the course. I was not convinced. I had the urge to measure my performance throughout the learning phase to see if I am actually learning or not. But I followed their advice. Trust me (and them), you don’t want to waste the official mocks just to check your current level. Chapter tests are enough for that. In the learning phase focus on your accuracy and not your score.

Once I finished TTP (which took about 5 months), I started doing OG just to get a hang of the official questions. A couple of days later, I started attempting mocks. I gave only 4 official ones and saved the other 2 just in case I needed them for a retake in case I don’t achieve my score goal.

Now, a lot of people say that the Actual GMAT has become tougher and the mocks are comparatively easy. Some say that mock scores are not representative of the actual GMAT score. They are all wrong!!! TTP suggests that this is not the case. And not just TTP, most gmat tutors suggest the same. And guess what? They are absolutely correct!! They have an amazing blog to explain what may be going on. I feel that this issue here is of fundamentals and clarity of basics. If your fundamentals are clear, you will be able to solve any problem that comes your way. Focus on accuracy and skill-building (TTP takes care of this really well) and a good score will follow!

My Official mock test scores:
Official Mock 1: 710
Official Mock 2: 720
Official Mock 3: 710
Official Mock 4: 740
Actual GMAT: 720

Thank you, TTP!!!!!!!


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Wow! 490 t o720 is amazing. Great job!

Scott Woodbury-Stewart
Founder and CEO
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