What's YOUR favorite GMAT Quantitative shortcut?

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by Svedankae » Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:08 am
deanm85 wrote:I got 24 divisors by that shortcut.


2^3 * 5^2 * 11


Are we absolutely certain that this shortcut is true? is there like some mathematical proof for it?

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by cfarrera » Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:21 am
I got the same answer as deanm85, Zohebh786 I think you miss the prime factoring part...

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Re: Shortcut

by yeloaw » Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:09 pm
cfarrera wrote:I got the same answer as deanm85, Zohebh786 I think you miss the prime factoring part...
You forgot to divide by prime factor 3.

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by disc108 » Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:37 pm
Svedankae wrote: Are we absolutely certain that this shortcut is true? is there like some mathematical proof for it?
I would like to see the mathematical proof of this trick.


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by Ian Stewart » Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:44 am
To recap the 'trick' discussed above, if you want to count how many different positive divisors a number n has, you can:

-prime factorize n, writing the prime factorization using powers
-look only at the exponents in the prime factorization
-add one to each exponent, and multiply the resulting numbers together

So the number 144 = (2^4)*(3^2) has (4+1)*(2+1) = 15 divisors in total, for example.


There are a few ways to see why you can use this 'trick' to count the divisors of a number. Take, for example, the number 6125. Prime factorizing this number, we find it's equal to (5^3)*(7^2). According to the 'trick', this number should have 12 divisors. Well, what are the divisors of (5^3)*(7^2)? It's divisible by each power of 5 up to 5^3:

1, 5, 5^2, 5^3

We can also multiply each number in the list above by 7 to get another set of four divisors:

7, 5*7, (5^2)*7, (5^3)*7

and we can multiply each number in our first list by 7^2 to get yet another set of four divisors:

7^2, 5*(7^2), (5^2)*(7^2), (5^3)*(7^2)

Those are the only combinations of 5's and 7's for which the exponent on the 5 is three or less, and the exponent on the 7 is two or less, so we have listed all 12 divisors of 6125.

From the above, you might be able to see why the 'trick' works; to make a divisor of (5^3)*(7^2), we can choose to have zero, one, two or three 5's, and zero, one or two 7's. That is, we have four choices for the number of 5's, and three choices for the number of 7's, and therefore 4*3 = 12 choices in total.

The more abstract proof: suppose

x = (p^5)*(q^3)

is a prime factorization (i.e. p and q are different primes). Any number

d = (p^a)*(q^b)

will be a divisor of x as long as the powers in d are less than or equal to the powers in x. That is, d will be a divisor of x provided that:

a = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5


b = 0, 1, 2 or 3

So we have six choices for a, and four choices for b, and therefore 6*4 = 24 choices in total for the powers a and b, and therefore 24 different divisors of x. That is, we add one to each power in the prime factorization and multiply.

I've used numbers for the powers here for clarity, and a prime factorization with only two prime factors, but this of course works no matter how many primes you have, and no matter what the powers.
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by hk » Wed Jun 17, 2009 7:33 am
Here are my favorite shortcuts:

1. Number of Intergers between A, B:

(B-A)+1 : Sounds simple but then very useful for tough problems.

Number of integers between 100 and 1000 that are divisible by 2 or Number of even integers bet' 100 and 1000:

starting point, A = 102, End point, B = 998
number of even integers = (998-102)/2 + 1 :)

2. Fill in the blanks method to find the number of combinations:

Eg: Find the number of odd 3 digit integers, which do not contain the number 5 in them and no digit is repeated:
Trick: draw three blank spaces (representing the 3 digits) like so _ _ _

(i) Since we need odd integers, the number of possible integers that be be used to fill the rightmost blank is 4 (1,3,7,9 remember no 5)
(ii) Second blank space could be filled by 8 numbers (out of 10 possible digits take out 5 and take out one which was allocated for the third blank - no repeats)
(iii) Third blank can be filled by 6 digits (no zero, no five, and take 2 digits that were occupied by previous blanks)
(iv) So the total possibilities are = 4*8*6 = 192 !!!

It might look long but thats coz i'm not good at typing in my explanation :)

3. To find the rate of growth:

A = P (1+r)^t

A= Final value
p=Initial Value
r=rate of growth per period
t=total time to grow from P to A

This cool formula can save a lot of time in Interest problems, those wicked bacterial growth problem etc.
Wanna know what I'm upto? Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/harikrish

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by raleigh » Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:47 am
I like that in an evenly spaced set, mean = median = (largest term + smallest term)/2.

It gives you a bunch of ways to approach a question about evenly spaced sets.