Kindly evaluate the profile

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Kindly evaluate the profile

by injotb123 » Sun Oct 13, 2013 10:55 am

Please evaluate my profile:
Xth Grade: District Topper: 90%
XIIth Grade: 84%
Graduation: Dual Degree in Engineering from Rank 1 Indian Engineering Institute
GMAT : 700
GPA: 3.3-3.4 approx on 4 point scale

Working with a Big semiconductor firm since graduation in India. Application Engineer Role for 1 Year .Promotion: Field Application Engineer Role for 5 months. Promotion: Technical Sales Consultant for four biggest states in India, taking care of all the revenue from this region for the company. By the time I join MBA , I would 4 years experienced with two promotions in this span.
As part of the job , I have dedicated a lot of time working on Energy and Oil projects. From pre-sales to execution. I work with all the teams in parallel right form pre-sales to post-sales to reach my revenues. I have also raised 1 new partner for my company over the last 1 year to help increase our revenues.

I also run a successful non-profit with 35 members in total. It was started in December 2012 and we have executed 2 successful projects till now dealing with 'sustainable solutions' forum and Women Empowerment in Indian cities. We are working on couple of more projects right now. Our team is based out of India and NewYork.

Besides this , I have been part of one of the best leadership programs for a month. I also have world renowned Sales certifications.

I have been a speaker on sustainability at institutes , Govt. Institutes and have published articles as well. I have also given a talk to my Alum Mater recently.

On extra curricular : I am into fitness training and outdoor adventures

Kindly evaluate the profile. My target schools are : Kellogg , MIT Sloan , Johnson (Cornell) , INSEAD , Harvard and Tuck.


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by Bryant@VeritasPrep » Mon Oct 14, 2013 1:54 pm
With 4 years of post undergrad work experience and a 700 GMAT, you should be well positioned for your target schools. The key will be standing out against other Indian applicants with a similar background. The typical Indian applicant will have a connection to an NGO, and while they will not have likely started their own non-profit like you have, know that they will tell passionate stories about how they are involved. For this reason, you need to really personalize your story for the adcoms in a way that is truly unique and memorable. In your case, having involvement with the government and having been published are things that can help distinguish you. Let us know if you need help organizing your story for the adcoms.
Bryant Michaels
MBA Admissions Consultant

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