How exactly does sending out your scores work?

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I'm a bit confused by the whole sending out of scores, in relation to when schools get them and such. My question/concern is this (2 things):

1. I'm planning on taking the GMAT twice. Once in august, and then again in september. Say I take it in august and I select my 5 schools that I want to my score sent to. Lets say hypothetically I score a 600. So, those 5 schools will receive my 600 score. Now though, say I take it in September, chose the same 5 schools to send my scores to, but this time I get a 700. Since I'm taking it september 20 and a lot of applications for first round are due towards the beginning on October, I'm going to be cutting it a little close. So, say I submitt my application and the school receives it, but they haven't received my latest GMAT score yet.......they only have my august score.....are they going to use my august score of 600? Or is there somewhere on the application where you can put your most recent score (700) so they know that another GMAT score should be coming soon?

Does that make sense?

2. I also have another question. I plan on applying to more than 5 schools so I'm going to have to go through to send out additional scores. How soon can I do that? Can I go home after taking the GMAT and send out more scores that same night? Or how does that work?

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by Neo2000 » Mon Jun 09, 2008 12:19 am
Ok, most people hope to have to give the GMAT only once and go for the second one only when the first time doesn't pan out as planned. Your decision to take GMAT twice is a little strange. You've already set yourself up to get a low score the first time by thinking that way. Not to mention schools dont like it that you take the GMAT so quickly. You are assuming you get a 600 and then hoping to get a 700 later. Why wont you just hope to get a 700 the first time around??

Most colleges will accept an application without the GMAT score and if you can send in your score within 7-10days of the deadline they will consider you for the round that just closed. Please inform the college beforehand that you intend to do this though.

You can always tell the college to consider your second score. Just drop them a line informing them of the same. They'll be more than happy to consider the higher score.

Once you've taken the GMAT, you can go home and order more scores online. Its not a problem.

All the best for your (hopefully one-time) GMAT.