Please evaluate my profile - Thanks

Launched April 26, 2006
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Hi Stacy/Amy

Age :23
Nationality: Indian
Scaled Score Percentile
Quants 46 79
Verbal 34 70
Total 650 82

Work Ex: 3 years
Current Designation: Assistant Manager - Finance
Under Grad. : Madras Univ - 75%
Other Qualifications : Grad. CWA

Current Job Profile: I have quite an interesting and challenging profile. I am responsible for the profitability enhancement of my programs. My job includes prepataion of program budgets, financial model during business transition, evalutaing the weekly revenue and profitability forecast of my programs, approval of program monthly pnl, and many other qualitative analysis from financial perfective as and when required.

I work closely with VP and CFO of my company. I am confident of getting good recos from my co.

In undergrad days I have been in many organising committes in my colleges and also in ICWA inst.

In the charity front, I am in the verge of starting one along with my friends. Although it was never with an intention of improving my profile.

My GMAT score is much below, what I had aimed. but i am seriously not intersted in retaking the test.

I need a little bit of aid too. I am pretty ambitious. I never looked at anything less than top 10 till i got my gmat score.

What r my realistic chances of getting into a yale or tuck or wharton or insead.

What are the good schools that you might recommend for me...considering what i said above...

Thanks again for reading this through and helping me out.

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by Amy » Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:50 am
Hi Priya Krishnamoorthy,

I do not think that a high GMAT score is the most important aspect of an application, and applicants tend to focus a little too much on it. However, it's very normal to re-take the GMAT several times, and I think it can show persistence and will. I question why you wouldn't attempt the test one more time (after additional study) when the score is below the mean for your target schools?

I'm not sure what your criteria for a "good" school is - are you looking in the US or international? What tier of school is good for you?

Good luck!

Stacy Blackman Consulting

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I dont want to write jus cos i feel i did give my best shot. prepared quite consistently for 2 - 3 months. My work schedule will not permit more time than what i had. May be i'll try...but lets park that for some time.

I am looking at getting a good international exposure as a part of my MBA. So US or fine with me. I do understand the difference between the one year and two year MBA thing. But as I would like to continue in finance field, may be it will not make a difference to me.

My idea of a good school is something that would enhance my marketability post MBA. I mostly used the ratings to determine my target schools. So my knowledge is most likely limited to that.

My grad cwa. is something more or less equivalent to ur CPA thing. So its important i pick a good school. what is worth spending so much money on ? top 10 or 20 or 30. I would prefer to pay off my loans in two years if not lesser (I am quite frugal ! :) and also that I would like to come back to india soon)Possibility of obtaining an aid would be a great + .

Is there something I need to concentrate on to build a better, stronger selling profile.

I jus wanted to add that my promotion history in my job is like very good. I had been consistent and even remarkable in getting promotions with better profiles.

I would look at taking gmat again only as a last pref. What do u recommend Amy?

Your assistance is highly appreciated.


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by Stacy Blackman » Sun Oct 21, 2007 7:48 pm
Hi Priya,
Your work experience sounds really interesting! I think highlighting your responsibilities and progression will be critical to a successful application. The charity sounds interesting as well and could be an asset to your aplication. You seem young for the level of work experience that you have had. If this year does not work out for you, you will be in a good position to apply again later. None of the schools you have mentioned will hold it against you. I think that Wharton in particular could be a stretch for you because it is such a popular school with applicants from Indian and this year is shaping up to be super competitive. There are a lot of statistical factors that may not have much to do with your application that will make this year challenging.
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thank you

by Priya Krishnamoorthy » Mon Oct 22, 2007 9:47 am
thanks amy that was really encouraging.