How much humor works in the essays?

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How much humor works in the essays?

by ultraeasy » Sat Oct 10, 2009 5:11 pm
How much humor can I inject into my essays? I realize that they probably shouldn't read like a David Sedaris essay, but I think that a few light stories could help an application.

I lightened up with my Stanford app by answering a short essay with a story about how I became the "Nacho King of the World." Would you recommend submitting this again to any other school? Or should I choose a different, more-serious story?

If anyone cares to read 250 words, here it is:

Tell us about a time when you went beyond what was defined, established, or expected.

I am the justified owner of the title "Nacho King of the World." I have traveled to over forty countries and am always eager to learn something new, especially regarding culinary delights. With all of my experimenting, however, this one dish remains my favorite. Allow me to explain.

A few years ago a friend commented that all of our dining dates gravitated towards taquerias. Even in other restaurants, if nachos were a menu option, that would mean one plate for me, please. She intimated that I had a problem. I insisted that I was not alone in my passion and became determined to meet my fellow nacho afficianados. With this, I started "Nacho Tour 2007," a website where diners could upload locations, prices and ratings of all their local nachos spots.

And that was just the beginning. I next organized a pilgrimage to Piedras Negras in Mexico, the one and only birthplace of the nacho. There we would throw our sombreros into the ring to compete in the International Nacho Festival. Our dedicated crew of three flew into Dallas, drove hours through the Lone Star State, then walked across the border into Piedras Negras. The plaza didn't greet us with the sounds and smells of competition, for we soon learned that the festival was held years ago and, sadly, Wikipedia can't always be trusted for event planning. So much for crowdsourcing. Nonetheless, as the sole contestants, we earned our title and then sampled the original nacho recipe created by Iganacio "Nacho" Anaya, Sr. We returned to the states knowing that we had gone far beyond the expectations of any amateur nacho enthusiast. I learned that if I could successfully transform a humble appetizer into a devoted club, there would be no stopping my collaborative visions in the future.