Need help!! How to reason myself out of low acads?

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I am an Indian student. I have 69.3% in my U.G. (Engineering). It truly does not reflect my academic potential. I have got 90% in my school and I have got a decent 640 in my GMAT. Even though 69.3% is a low, it is not very bad compared to the first mark of 84%. I was immature during the college and never thought that it is going to affect my future.

I need to respond to the question below!!

Do you consider your transcript of undergraduate work an accurate reflection of your academic ability?

What can I answer??? Should I be very honest or should I give another reason that would suit well??? I am confused!!! Please help!!

My profile goes like this...

Schooling - 90%
U.G. (Engineering) - 69.3%
IELTS - 8.5
GMAT - 640
Work ex- 3 years
Extra curric -
1. Captained Football and cricket team in college and school levels.
2. I work with an organization that rescues children from brothels and then restores them to "homes".
3. I teach a bunch of kids every Sunday .
4. Visit juvenile homes and orphanages once in a while.

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by erins » Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:27 am
Hi -

You should present an honest assessment in answering the question, pointing to the fact that you do not believe you transcript is indicative of your abilities. Please see our blog entry on Taking Responsibility.

In addition to "Taking Responsibility," here are a few other things to consider....Was there an upward trajectory in your grades over the course of your academic career? If so, I would highlight this. I would also point out anything that you have done to offset your grades and thus, improve your candidacy, since graduation. (i.e. Have you taken any classes post graduation? If not, this might be something to consider.) Also, how many times have you taken the GMAT? A high GMAT score can also help to mitigate a low GPA.

I hope this helps.
Erin Schuhmacher, MBA
Senior Consultant

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